But any time you can find a reason to hit both That Fish Place and a good frag swap in the same day is a good day. Happening on both at the same time/place is a great day.
Looking around fragswapper.com it looks like there will be some nice pieces available.
I know Reef-Geeks is putting together a carpool, maybe we should think about doing the same and we can meet up with others along the way.
You beat me to the punch on posting it, Craig. Its usually a good one. I got lots of nice frags at the last one there in October. I’m going to this one too. Ive already registered and reserved a few frags from some of their members. Now is not too early to reserve some of the special things you might like. and then fill in the blanks when you get there. you can register and view all the frags posted at:
pic the NCPARS link and follow through an easy registration. so far there’s about 100 reefers signed up to go. you will enjoy it. and if you have any burning light questions, you might even be able to corner Sanjay for a few moments. Or buy one of his frags. He had some extras, last swap.
whats the structure of this swap like? with 150+ people signed up, Id hate to wait really long only to get some zoas or softies…
I know even with 30 people, the raffle style swaps take forever!! (last time I was at ECA swap, I landed numbers 3 & 5, I almost cried).
Also, do the farmers bring anything for sale? More than likely Ill make the trip up since this will be it for me for a while as far as reefing with tax season right here…
[quote=“longballz84, post:8, topic:3698”]
whats the structure of this swap like? with 150+ people signed up, Id hate to wait really long only to get some zoas or softies…
I know even with 30 people, the raffle style swaps take forever!! (last time I was at ECA swap, I landed numbers 3 & 5, I almost cried).
Also, do the farmers bring anything for sale? More than likely Ill make the trip up since this will be it for me for a while as far as reefing with tax season right here…[/quote]
last frag swap we had there there was over 500+ that come and left most of us bring a tank and set it up. so trust me when i say you will go home with what ever your looking for. people will be posting stuff on fragswapper tell the vary last min so keep looking on there and there are other sponsors that don’t even post and bring tanks to. If there is something your looking for request it before its gone.
Lots of questions at the meeting about the NCPARS frag swap this saturday at That Fish Place. so if you are interested, register a screen name at:
for the swap and check out the frags for sale . you can reserve them if you are sure you are going. should be a good one. and the weather looks good too. I got a bunch of nice ones reserved. cant wait to go.
I will be going… looks like it is going to be a great gathering. I am working on reserving some monti’s and possibly some chalice (I love the colors I have been seeing on them) and maybe some equipment I need better lighting. The 20g will turn into a grow out tank once I buy the new setup
For anyone thats going to this we are going to try and car pool as much as we can. A group of us will be meeting @ 9am Sat. morning at Kmart on limestone road across from Goldey Beacom College Google Maps
We will all try to get there at 9 and be on the road by 9:30. This should get us at TFP around 11