Need a Date for the Next DRC Road Clean UP

We Need a Date for the Next DRC Road Clean UP
we have two more clean ups to do before the end of the year.
I Vote 10/1

Craig and us have spoke about this, 10/1 is the frag swap at TPP… doubt we’d get a good turn out…

Frag swap?where?

Frag swap at That Pet Place is on that day. I am also going to be out of town and hate the idea of scheduling things for when I can’t participate. Fortunately our highway is fairly clean (I just drove down there) and since we didn’t have the highway in January I’m sure we could get by with just 1 more clean-up for the fall.

Saturdays are going to be bad for me until 11/12 - how does everyone feel about a little Sunday clean-up on 10/8/11 - we can do it in the afternoon and head over to Stewarts again.

You guys let me know when you want to do it and if we can get 6-8 people to commit to a date we’ll do it then.

In the morning on a Sunday (Football at 1pm)

if and when this happens. lets make sure we have enough trash bags for the day. we did not have nearly enough last time. also think we should try to clean up around the pond. we should do it before it gets to cold and enjoy a nice fall day.

10/8/ sounds good for me i can bring some 3 foot pole grabber things so you can use to pick up garbage…just would need to collect them after it over so i can take back to work

10/2 or 10/8 or 10/9, saturday or Sundays sounds good to me. Like John said, going to the swap on the first. lets see if i can get in shape for this one. i can make some more spiked poles to poke plastic bottles and stuff. save the back. I felt bad about backing off the fist one. but i didnt feel good that day. BP was way up.

What Pond? Any fish in it? Do they need some koi?

Count us in, any day should work ::thumbsup::

I’m good for any weekend and for those wanting to save their backs a grabber works a whole lot better then a pick pole.

OK I was fortunate enough to have my soccer AND softball games cancelled for THIS Saturday (10/8)- anyone want to throw together a last minute highway clean-up party?

This Saturday I am taking little man to Linvilla Orchard

Sunday would be good for me

Do we have a set date yet?