Need a light for a 10 gallon tank

I am in search of a light for my 10 gallon clown tank. If you have anything that is either a pendant or a small fixture please let me know, if not I may consider going down the road of leds. Thanks

how strong of a light do you need? I’m pretty sure i have an extra but its just one of those standard hoods that come with the kit…

Looking for something that can grow coral, im thinking one of the par 38 leds might work best.

How much light are you looking to push ?
I have done a lot of experimenting and studying of PAR38 Bulbs and a good spread is normally around 8" x 8" or 12" x 12", I would think with a 10g you would need to be around 16 inches above the tank to get 12 x 12 spread.

For that size tank unless you really have a desire to play with LED, I would recommend a 20" or 24" T5HO unit.
They are only 18 - 24 watts and you should be fine with two bulbs for most softy’s and mid to low light LPS

Thanks for the good info, the only challenge is tryin to light mangroves as well, with a structured root system i am unsure of what corals i can actually keep. If i could find a nice t5 fixture i could suspend it from the shelf above the tank.

if you want to grow corals the cheapest would be t5 but you can led and actinic t5 it if you wanna spend some more two actinic t5 and a diy led would grow anything.