i have had this fish for a week. he has been eating a feeder rosie every other day since last monday. tonight i was sitting and all of a sudden , the angler swelled up the size of a ping pong ball. kinda looks like a puffer fish that inflated. what could it be? have not read anything that states they do this. he is literaly floating around tank like a ballon. any ideas or suggestions
CRAP, GLEN CALL ME. Will PM you my number now. This can be very dangerous. DO NOT LIFT THE FISH OUT OF THE WATER. These fish should never be lifted into the air.
thanks for the call jon. i will keep ya posted on condition. i guess for now , its a wait and see.
First of Glen, why the heck did you do this. It was hard enough when I saw a beautiful angler on a website that I had to fight myself not to look at and now you have to bring up all the old memories of my Angler.
As we discussed it certainly could have ingested air and is having trouble spitting it out. It may help to gently point the tail of the fish down and the mouth up so air could raise up out of him. Very gently messaging the area may be necessary, but be very gentle and careful. At some point this week I need to drive through Dover if it’s still not doing well perhaps I could come by and lend a hand.
You may also want to switch up the diet to:
Frozen Sand Eels
Frozen Krill
Frozen Silver sides(full size fish may be too large and pieces may not look as yummy)
Frozen Prawn
Frozen Squid
Individually quick frozen or IQF work best for me.
Some pictures from when I had mine:
Pictures of the parasite:
Click on the image to view larger if this isn’t creepy enough.
Click on the image to view larger if you really want to.
Video of the parasite:
I’ll be taking down my website completely in the next couple of days so some of these pictures may go offline if they do I’ll try to post redirects if someone reminds me.
I hope your Frog Fish does already Glen. Keep me up to date. Will you be around tomorrow?
Looks like a roach.
Think you missed the poster - that is an isopod - one Jon took out of Mellancamps (or Cougars - I forget what he named him) gills a few years ago. Glenn’s problem is his fish is imitating the goodyear blimp.
That little(sarcastic) isopod came out of the gills of my frog fish Segar(he was “like a rock”). Miss him very much. I am trying to hold out until I can get a sweet colored mated pair, but it may be some time before I can find them or afford them.
I remember that isopod when you finally got itout of the fish. it was almost an inch long! Do you still have it in that jar of vodka?
Nope some guy said he wanted it live to photograph it then never returned my PMs to get it from me. He seemed thrilled that someone had one live, so I hung onto it. Three months in that little plastic dixi cup. Finally I moved and it was summer time and I forget it in the cup holder of my car. He cooked, my car stank.
$10 if you down the bugger like a tequella shooter