Need media...

Guys, i need any pictures/videos you guys have of meetings and any small videos you have of your tanks… Thanks in advanced…

Craig is the best guy to talk to for recent ones. He also took some from the last BBQ, but not sure we ever saw them. :stuck_out_tongue: May even have some from the BBQ two years ago.

There used to be a section on the forum devoted to post meeting wrap ups which might have had some really old stuff, but this section is gone now. Perhaps it is still available behind the scenes and one of the officers can look their. I made a post with some images from the Sprung event somewhere.(If you can’t find that post it may have been deleted or put behind the scenes ask Shawn if he has them) Here is the entire video
There may be some images from old Dr. Mac trips somewhere as well. A couple years ago there was a meeting at Mike’s house(alemab8) and before that a tank tour at three other reefers including a guy named Phill.(Pretty sure there were images from all of that.) Also a Christmas party at Al’s house at his bar.

Just some ideas of where to start to hunt and who to talk to. I’ll see if I can find anything else.

There used to be a section on the forum devoted to post meeting wrap ups

not sure what you are referring to, but by my best recollection those threads were posted in the old general saltwater forum. of course, since my recollection is pathetic at best in regards to most things there is a very good chance that i could be wrong ;D

Perhaps it is still available behind the scenes and one of the officers can look their
yes. EVERYTHING that has been removed since ive been in office is still available but there is no such forum. almost all of the forums that were removed were never public to begin with.
If you can't find that post it may have been deleted or put behind the scenes ask Shawn if he has them
im not sure how much stuff you think has been removed Jon but its not much. there are only two public forums that have been removed: a forum created for the 2010 elections and the ricordiausa forum. other than that, only 16 threads have been removed with all but 5 being threads that i started in the news and announcements sectionand the rest being outdated groupbuy threads started by Ian. luckily we archive everything because the picture thread created by me happened to be one that was removed ;D here ya go! [center][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center]