Need pump for 75*

So here I am again, looking for a pump. I need a pump for my fuge. Theres about 4 foot of vertical piping that it needs to push through to get to the top. Any ideas on good (cheap) pumps? What is the ideal turnover rate for a pump pushing water?

Quiet One and MAG are both good pumps. I personally don’t even know the turnover rate of my return pump and don’t factor it in to my flow.

I use a MAG9.5 on my return, with about 5’ of head and it provides plenty of flow.

How big is your tank?

Is your tank drilled or are you using an overflow?

Good question Andrew. we cant pump more water into a tank than the overflow can drain back to the sump. or we get a wet floor.

Good thought! I have a predrilled 75… Normal dimensions. The Fuge is going to be a 20long.

Craig (cdangel0) has a drilled 75 gallon with dual 1 1/2 inch overflows. A mag 9.5 provides the lift from the sump to the fuge and it is gravity feed back to the main tank.

It was set up based on this drawing

Drilled it here

Okay so, my fuge is beneath my display, in the stand. So it will only be pushing from the fuge to the display, back up through the corner where the bulkheads are. Its 4 feet I believe of vertical movement… does anyone have an idea how much turnover I should have? I was thinking of a Mag7… though I don’t know exactly what the flowrate will be at 4 feet… its 700gph at 0’. Also the Quiet One 3000 has a flow rate of 780 at 0’ and just under 600gph at 4’. Is 600gph good enough? i means thats 7 turnovers an hour.

A quietone 3000 would work perfect IMO… you could go a little more flow… or a little less… ask 3 other people and you’ll likely get 4 diff opinions lOl 5-10x turnover is the “suggested range” that would put you right in the middle. Btw the faster you move water through the sump, the more chance of micro bubbles.

[quote=“Sweeneyc, post:8, topic:3775”]
Okay so, my fuge is beneath my display, in the stand. So it will only be pushing from the fuge to the display, back up through the corner where the bulkheads are. Its 4 feet I believe of vertical movement… does anyone have an idea how much turnover I should have? I was thinking of a Mag7… though I don’t know exactly what the flowrate will be at 4 feet… its 700gph at 0’. Also the Quiet One 3000 has a flow rate of 780 at 0’ and just under 600gph at 4’. Is 600gph good enough? i means thats 7 turnovers an hour.[/quote]

Total losses are 5.29 feet of head pressure, or 2.28 PSI. with a flow rate of 412 GPH.based on 4’ vertical 2 90 degree elbows 1 45 degree elbow .5’ horizontal flow