Never stick your finger in the impact gun to get a nut out WARNING GRAPHIC!!

“Never stick your finger in the impact gun to get a 5/8’s nut out and hit the trigger with the air hose hooked up.”

The person stuck a finger in the nut while the nut was inside an impact socket. The person then pulled the trigger on the impact wrench and the nut spun onto the finger. Presumably the individual was attempting to retrieve the nut from the socket. The result was surely unexpected and painful.


You have been warned.


That hurts just looking at it!!! That ranks right up there with “Warning do not stick fingers in moving fan”

He did succeed in getting the nut out of the socket. ::rofl::

It had to be a Deep Well Socket. It screwed it far down his finger.


[quote=“Cdangel0, post:2, topic:5471”]

That hurts just looking at it!!! That ranks right up there with “Warning do not stick fingers in moving fan”[/quote]

I used to have a bic lighter that said “DO NOT use near fire or flame.” Gotta love stupid warning labels.