new baby means wife say get rid of stuff

alright here the deal i posted a pic of my sweet new addition to the family yesterday. along with that come my wife nagging about the new fish tank i have saying i need to get something smaller so i was trying to see if some one is intrested i have a 5 month old perfecto75 gallon reef ready tank with matching black stand,twin tube light fixture. 30 gallon long fuge ,asm mini g skimmer 75 lbs of live fiji rock and about 80lbs live sand . i also have 2 seio 1500 prop power heads i would love to get 700.00 or best offer or even better i would love to trade for something smaller like like 37 gallon or something i want a whole setup

I got the same suggestion demand from my wife. It was worth it Little man is great and quite a handful.

I got rid of the wife and kept the tank. :BEER

Thats funny Tim…Tell her to relax…Your tank is fine. When your son gets a little bigger he will love it.

Remember we are the men…

I can say stuff like this becuase my wife never looks at these threads. ;D

This may help ::thumbsup::
Got a Baby? Why You Need a Saltwater Tank

[quote=“TimH07, post:3, topic:3888”]
I got rid of the wife and kept the tank. :BEER[/quote]
i got rid of my wife and became happily single…and now i have 3 tanks lOl

What’s the difference they both cost money and require you to do work when your tired. On good days they look good and on bad days you have to lie and exaggerate the truth. Now if I sat down and drink beer watching my tank I get 2 raised eyebrows. If I sit and drink beer and watch the wife I either get yelled at or lucky. (Depends on the time of the month)

[quote=“a1amap, post:8, topic:3888”]
What’s the difference they both cost money and require you to do work when your tired. On good days they look good and on bad days you have to lie and exaggerate the truth. Now if I sat down and drink beer watching my tank I get 2 raised eyebrows. If I sit and drink beer and watch the wife I either get yelled at or lucky. (Depends on the time of the month)[/quote]

HA! Funny because it’s true.

My daughter is 5 now and we have had our moneypit/tank since she was born. She has loved watching the fish since she could see. Now she is completely interested in the oceans and wants to be a dolphin trainer! She helps me do the water changes and take care of the tank. Let you know this tank may open your sons eyes to a new life of understanding the ocean and maybe become a scientist!!! Wife’s point of view is always a positive if it is a learning experience for the little one.

Urban Legend has it that a softly purring nano reef tank in a baby’s room is comforting to them and they cry less at night. Plus the LED moon light makes a soft blue glow in the room too for reasurance. or at least if you convince your wife, you might keep another tank that way. worth a try. Actually, when i had some bouts of hight blood pressure while working, my work mates put a 5 gallon FW tank on my refrence table next to my desk when i got back to work. and the soft bubbling from the air lift was very soothing.

Now Al’s gonna slap his forhead and say: why didn’t I think of that?

AND it works like a humidifier in the house which is good for the baby!