Just closely inspected my mr coral corals and noticed the tips gaining color. Ones that were completely white have color on the tips. Seems like three are completely gon they have algae starting on them, but I’ll leave them a while.
Also got my shipment from dr foster. Acclimated and dipped corals. Placed them and they are freaking awesome, colors are a little faded, they were on the stupid fed ex truck all day long didn’t get here till 4pm. But wysiwyg is the truth even the captive corals look good.
ha ha :: i will get them soon was kinda busy but tank is looking better than ever at this point. i’m siked!! only one coral looks bad and thats the rtn/stn one, the white dr mac christmas coral(i think thats the name) is now deep green with polyps, acans shooting heads out, duncans growing heads and colorful, sps colors coming out and encrusting, A that blue tips doing great, some purple digi is actually deep blue. It may be the brightwell koral color? Plus stable params? who knows but I am very happy with it. YahoO
Glad to hear Tim, cool. What more did you get? the deep green with polyps is season greetings monti, if I’m not mistakin. So, the blue tip is no longer brown and it’s turning blue like it suppose to? and what purple digi is it that you’re talking about?
i got 6 more corals you gotta check them out i’ll never get colors with pics. four are fraggable lol they are light though they should color up soon. seasons greetings yes it looks great now very metallic green and your coral is dark green with bluish white tips growing super fast too
tomorrow i will post pics but colors are off.
fireside acro tenuis
north woods acro valida
bushy acro valida
bushy acro subulata
bushy acro millipora
bushy acro secale
thanks, yeah should be maybe a week till they color, month i hope they’re fully i still need to get the focus down they’re blurry also i’ll do some top down shots once color returns