New glue

Had many many issues with Dollar Store glue for a while so I gave up on it. I’ve been using TLF glue for a while now and it works pretty well, a little more liquidy then I prefer, but it works. Received an e-mail from Elos that they had made a dramatically different very good new type of glue.

Was ready to order a couple samples to try out, see how well it worked for me. I use a significant amount of this glue…

MSRP $49.95


For how much??? Or how many gallons I should say?

Most of the superglue(CA) is made by this company,, so whatever you buy is same glue, just different packaging and labels. I used to build model airplanes for over 15 years and used a lot of it, and was actually surprised to see that same glue is used for gluing corals, which is kind of cool. So what ever price or label they put in, it’s same CA.

295mL or about 0.07793 gallons

Rosti CA or Cyanoacrylate does have some differences from one package to another. May be worth a little experimenting with different types. I prefer a gel that isn’t too thick. Cyanocacrylate does gets old and hard in most packaging and when the dollar store chains purchased enough for five years some of it got old. Another thing is liquid, gel, and somewhere in between. There is a whole slew of different thicknesses or viscosity, but the materials are pretty much all the same and as Rosti said there are a few companies that make it and put a hundred different labels on it. Refrigerating extends the life of the glue. I looked into making my own brand of frag glue once, but you’d have to sell an awful lot of glue to compete with the dollar store and make a profit. That or sell the same size container for $50, is another route to go.

sniffing large quantities of glue… that explains a lot! >LOCO< lOl


   John sure thats a good glue but the Two Little Fishies CorAffix Gel works very well and can perform about the same maybe little longer time maybe 15-20 seconds instead of 10 and 1/5 the price. 

    Thats a hefty price tag for little faster drying gel.