New Home for my B&W Ocellaris

As some of you are already aware I tore the tank apart on Sunday and redid all of aquascaping. I seperated my 2 RBTAs to opposite sides of the tank to be able to put both in slightly lower flow areas and to create a more visiually appealing layout.

Woke up this morning to find my B&W Ocellaris Clown hosting in one of the RBTAs. Looks like my percula is trying to do the same, but the B&W won’t let it in, will let it stay on the edge but that’s as far as it’s going.

Pardon the crappy picture - left the flash on and rushed it at 5:30 just to get the photo.

So that guy wasn’t hosting in it before and just started after you moved them?

Correct. The tomato clown had always hosted in both of them. But since I separated the anemones to opsite sides of the tank it can’t chase the other clowns away from both at the same time. So the B&W finally got the chance to move in to one of them.

Sweet deal, that is good to know. So you’ve got 3 clowns in the same tank? Are they friendly towards each other?

Have yet to have a problem. I have always had 2 clowns. A tomato and a percula. I added the 3rd (ocellaris)about a month ago. The perc and the ocellaris have pal’d around since day 1.

For reference, Josh’s CO2 was at 0.05-0.06% (500-600 ppm).

My basement was a fairly steady 0.04% with one blip to 0.05% (400-480 ppm). I’ll post up my PH after I check it, my tank gets pretty well aerated.

Atmospheric conditions are 0.03-0.04% (350-450 ppm). Sensor reads 0.03-0.04% in an outside environment. The sensors displayed resolution is 0.01%. The sensor reads 2.96% in NIST cert. 3.02% gas and deviates less at lower %s.

[quote=“IanH, post:6, topic:939”]
For reference, Josh’s CO2 was at 0.05-0.06% (500-600 ppm).

My basement was a fairly steady 0.04% with one blip to 0.05% (400-480 ppm). I’ll post up my PH after I check it, my tank gets pretty well aerated.

Atmospheric conditions are 0.03-0.04% (350-450 ppm). Sensor reads 0.03-0.04% in an outside environment. The sensors displayed resolution is 0.01%. The sensor reads 2.96% in NIST cert. 3.02% gas and deviates less at lower %s. [/quote]

Any chance we can get this converted to English please?

That’s really cool. What does equipment like that cost?

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:7, topic:939”]
Any chance we can get this converted to English please?[/quote]

[quote=“IanH, post:6, topic:939”]
For reference, Josh’s CO2 was at 0.05-0.06% (500-600 ppm).[/quote]
English: the carbon dioxide in Josh’s tank room was slightly higher than the outside air

My basement was a fairly steady 0.04% with one blip to 0.05% (400-480 ppm). I'll post up my PH after I check it, my tank gets pretty well aerated.
English: the carbon dioxide in my tank room is slightly higher, but closer to outside air.
Atmospheric conditions are 0.03-0.04% (350-450 ppm). Sensor reads 0.03-0.04% in an outside environment. The sensors displayed resolution is 0.01%. The sensor reads 2.96% in NIST cert. 3.02% gas and deviates less at lower %s.
English: the carbon dioxide is lower outside than both Josh's and my tank rooms.

Conclusion: Insufficient data, only for informational purposes. :stuck_out_tongue:

That's really cool. What does equipment like that cost?

That was with a “personal co2 monitor” I think it was around $300-$400? The more precise units I use in my lab are around $700-1000. NIST traceable calibration gas runs around $300 a “K” bottle (~220 cu) from Matheson Tri-gas.

Thanks Ian, good to know. I kind of figured my CO[sub]2[/sub] levels were higher average, what w/ gas heat and gas stove and my overall gassiness…

Will start w/ the kalk soon and hope that steadies the ph.

And thanks for the kalk too!

Hey Josh, hows your PH been making out? Tried that kalk at all?

Actually I did. Dosed 2 gallons over the last 4 days. Seems to be at around 8.1 during the day and 8.0 at night. Much better! I just did a water change and added a little too much water so I have to wait for some to evaporate before I dose more. But will continue and report the results. One thing I have noticed already, my Zoos are looking better. For some reason, Zoos didn’t like my tank. Hopefully bringing the ph up will help them out.

Oh, and the inlaws got a pretty big kick out of the ziploc bag of “cocaine” (aka Kalkwasser) on my kitchen table…

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