New Member - initial setup 75 gal Reef Tank

[quote=“saltcreep, post:19, topic:6364”]
You’ve been busy huh Will ::thumbsup:: It’s looking like a real good start. and the ato’s scare me a bit also.
btw… have you done a “loss of power” test? to make sure the level in the sump can handle the drainage? hope thats not an insulting question… but it’s quite common, at least i’ve learned that one the hard way :FLUSH)[/quote]

Thanks salcreep! Yea we have been busy. My wife, daughter and I have been setting this thing up all weekend lol. It’s been one headache after another, but success! Now we can enjoy working with the water and Here’s an updated pic of the tank as of last night. Of course, we already rearranged the rock and moved the sand around a little bit. I’ll take another pic on lunch today and post, as the water is clear and everything looks a little nicer.

As for the ATO system, yes we tested but on accident. I had the water level “too low” and didnt know it, so when I turned everything ON the ATO system started topping off and scared the heck out of me. I thought the tank would overflow! It didnt though, it stopped about 1" from the top, then I was able to adjust the water level appropriately to lower it a bit using the adjuster on the overflow box. Also, I did the “loss of power test” while the filtration system and ATO were connected and running. Just turned the power off. No issues.

I read that the overflow box has a feature built into it to prevent draining in the event of electrical power loss. So far i’ve found that to be accurate. ::thumbsup::

I’m having an awesome time even fighting the difficult stuff lol, wish I knew more peopel who were into the hobby, but thats why I’m here!

[quote=“muggers, post:21, topic:6364”]
I’m having an awesome time even fighting the difficult stuff lol, wish I knew more peopel who were into the hobby, but thats why I’m here![/quote]

Believe it or not there are few reefers up there in your area and of course there’s several of us here in Dover and Camden area. If you need any help with anything just holler.

[quote=“muggers, post:21, topic:6364”]
Also, I did the “loss of power test” while the filtration system and ATO were connected and running. Just turned the power off. No issues.

I read that the overflow box has a feature built into it to prevent draining in the event of electrical power loss. So far i’ve found that to be accurate. ::thumbsup::[/quote]

Good - you’d be amazed at how many people forget the effects of gravity on water and don’t understand how a siphon works.

Have you tested the overflow box to ensure it can restart it’s own siphon in the event of a power loss? Wch will break the siphon, unfortunately many people in this hobby w/ HOB overflows find out the hard way that the overflow can not restart the siphon, so all water in the sump then gets pumped back up in to the tank when the power comes on, thus resulting in 25g of water trying to fill a 1g space…i.e. wet carpets.

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:23, topic:6364”]

[quote=“muggers, post:21, topic:6364”]
Also, I did the “loss of power test” while the filtration system and ATO were connected and running. Just turned the power off. No issues.

I read that the overflow box has a feature built into it to prevent draining in the event of electrical power loss. So far i’ve found that to be accurate. ::thumbsup::[/quote]

Good - you’d be amazed at how many people forget the effects of gravity on water and don’t understand how a siphon works.

Have you tested the overflow box to ensure it can restart it’s own siphon in the event of a power loss? Wch will break the siphon, unfortunately many people in this hobby w/ HOB overflows find out the hard way that the overflow can not restart the siphon, so all water in the sump then gets pumped back up in to the tank when the power comes on, thus resulting in 25g of water trying to fill a 1g space…i.e. wet carpets.[/quote]

Well, when I cut the power to the entire system it was off for several minutes. I then just turned power back on and the system picked right back up where it left off. It’s worked flawlessly as far as I know.

Is that what you meant? Supposedly this thing will automatically restart the siphon or maintain it, it was redesigned. However, I also plan on installing the UPS battery backup I have to keep things running during a power outage.

Yup - that’s what I meant.

I am the king of wet floors (at least I used to be before I got smart) so I like to help avoid catastrophe when I can.

[quote=“muggers, post:24, topic:6364”]
However, I also plan on installing the UPS battery backup I have to keep things running during a power outage.[/quote]

You would be surprised how quickly a battery back up will drain when lots of things are connected. I would recommend only connecting a circulation pump to this. They draw low power, and in prolonged power outage keeping the water oxygenated through circulation is important. Heaters, skimmers, return pumps, lights can be left off for a couple days without things dying BUT without oxygen (water movement) things die quickly.

Yea electronics is what I do so I’ve got experience using the UPS backups. I’m only expecting an hour backup with only running the powerheads and filter. If necessary ill get another ups, but smyrna rarely has power outages where I live and they usually don’t last at all. Hopefully I won’t have an issue with it lol

Update!!! ::hitsthefan:: Tank has been up and running with everything turned on, filter, skimmer, all of it with a lighting schedule for (4) days now… since 4-7-13.

Checked ALL my levels for the first time using API saltwater master test kit:


PH level = 7.8
Ammonia level = 0
Nitrite level = 0
Nitrate level = 0
Salinity = 27
Specific Gravity = 1.020

I know I have some adjusting to do… what do you guys think, suggestions? PH has to come up, and specific gravity was tested multiple times and it’s gotta come up, so I’ll be mixing some salt water on the side and gradually adding it over the next week but I’m not sure what to do about the PH other than buy a solution.

I added another pic…I still need more rock, live rock, base rock, something… but this should be “ok” to start I guess. There’s 10lbs of live rock in there I’m desperately hoping will seed the rest. The sand is “live sand” also.

Patience… Patience… yea… i’ll keep telling myself that. How long before I start seeing something live?? Even some algae? lol


Attached is the prefer water parameter. For starter what you are testing for is fine, but you may also test for Alkalinity, Calcium and Magnesium. Of course bring the PH level up to 8.2. What is salinity at 27? you measured the salinity at Specific Gravity = 1.020 and again this is low and prefer is 1.025.

additional parameter.JPG

[quote=“reefman66, post:29, topic:6364”]
Attached is the prefer water parameter. For starter what you are testing for is fine, but you may also test for Alkalinity, Calcium and Magnesium. Of course bring the PH level up to 8.2. What is salinity at 27? you measured the salinity at Specific Gravity = 1.020 and again this is low and prefer is 1.025.[/quote]

The salinity / specific gravity are basically the same thing right? The hydrometer I have shows both measurements, but i’ve found online that most people use the specific gravity number.

I’ll try to get a PH solution and do the small water changes with new salt water to adjust the salinity.

if you don’t have any creatures in the tank, just slowly add some salt to raise the salinity level over the course of a couple of days. And then check the ph afterwards. It doesn’t have to be at 8.2. Safe range is between 7.8 and 8.2


[quote=“houndsbayman, post:31, topic:6364”]
if you don’t have any creatures in the tank, just slowly add some salt to raise the salinity level over the course of a couple of days. And then check the ph afterwards. It doesn’t have to be at 8.2. Safe range is between 7.8 and 8.2

Just my :TWOCENTS[/quote]


ph is a tough one to regulate… that is if your system/ setup isn’t doing it naturally for you. Any ph adjustments will also raise the Alk. Lots of reefers don’t even pay any mind to ph, some go to great lengths to maintain it… will kalkwasser and such. I’ve done both angles, i don’t have an opinion either way… but i am a fan of at least knowing the ph. And a test kit isn’t very accurate at all imho… If you do get into seriously monitoring ph a meter & probe is a must :TWOCENTS

Correct salinity ppm and SG are one of the same, I wasn’t sure how you were measuring it. As houndsbayman said, no need for water change, just slowly add some salt to raise the salinity level over the course of a couple of days. As for PH and Alkalinity…to raise the level and the cheapest way I do it. I use arm and hammer baking soda to raise the PH and or Alkalinity.

Check out the weblinks on our website. There lots of informations that a new reefer or not even new reefer can use.

BTW… listen closely to these two guys ::thumbsup:: John (houndsbay) and A (reefman) are both are long-term successful reefers!

here’s a few links for info i think is helpful… and can save you big $$$

Thanks for all the help and suggestions, I’ll keep you all updated.

So, much to my surprise… I came home on lunch and there was some orangish brownish algae or something growing on the right side of my sand bed, and behind the live rock and base rock on the right side.

Is this normal? From what Ive read, it can be… but how in the world do I tell? My levels were all ok when tested the other day. I’m going to check them again soon.

Note: I know it looks faint, its not bad yet… but whatever it is I wanted to find out about it before it got bad.

Your tank is cycling and that’s your typical brown algae bloom. It’s gonna get little bit worst, but if you let it go it will get bad. Just let it run its course. Are you doing anything to help it cycle? Adding bacteria?

Ok. Is there anything I should be doing? So far I’ve been monitoring water conditions, all good… And I have live rock and base rock with a ton of live sand. I also added Tim’s solution to help the new tank syndrome.

I’m about a week or so in now.

And I have the lighting on a timer/ cycle