that’s a beautiful piece of equipment bill. what’s the pump??
Thanks Paul
It’s a Askoll Pump. Pin wheel pump and pulls up to 100scfh of air.
Thanks it’s working pretty good so far
sweet, do u mind asking how much it cost/ do u have a link?
Yeah hang on I’ll get a link for ya
damn, guess its well worth it… Keep us updated i wanna see 24 hour pics
Sweet skimmer Bill. I love my cone skimmers. Lets start a nog thread when you get some good pics.
What about that your rimless, how bout pics of that
That’s insane!!! That thing looks like it will pull the poo directly out of the fish instead of waiting for the fish to deposit it in the water!!!
I wanna see the skimmate that thing produces.
The guy told me 3 days or so to break in completely. We’ll see how it does. My bioload is pretty small right now but gonna get bigger.
Ok updates
Emptied this thing Sunday morning and cleaned the cup. Checked tonight when I got home from work and this is what I have. I really need a skim mate bucket. >LOCO<

Do you always run your skimmate that diluted? it looks like iced tea…lol.
Well still getting it dialed in but for the most part usually a little darker,but it works for me.
Sure doesn’t smell like iced tea LOL
What’s the rest of the skimmer look like? What model? I havent heard of this brand before so could you summarize their selling points? Its new to me. What features made you decide on this one?
Ken I picked it because mainly of the pump. It draws a little less power but has better output then a red dragon pump at least thats what the stats say. It probably could handle a even bigger skimmer because theres a little restrictor that goes in the pump outlet to tame it down a little. I wanted a big skimmer due to the tanks linked to the main and there may possibly be a bigger on in the future. If I work it right should be around 500 and wanted something that could handle it. 700-500-400 low-med-high bioloads.