New tank setup........... catastrophe ensues

So if any of you read my post in the general discussion you know I was planning a 30gal build for my first sw tank. Well I started setting it up and was about to pour the last couple gallons of water when it started leaking. So my wife said lets just use the 46gal bowfront. I was all for it except now I had to drain the 30 and drive to the in-laws to get the tank and stand so no pics tonight but thats where I’m at right now. Tune in for more,definitely pics tomorrow .

50% bigger. did you make a little hole in the silicone? you can admit it here. smart move!

[quote=“moliken, post:2, topic:4488”]
50% bigger. did you make a little hole in the silicone? you can admit it here. smart move![/quote]


nice to see that you had the option to upgrade and not downgrade

The water is very cloudy and didn’t clear up much overnight

[quote=“bsnow, post:4, topic:4488”]
The water is very cloudy and didn’t clear up much overnight[/quote]
what’s running in the tank, ben? circulation-wise?

Right now i have a 400gph maxxi jet. Im gonna grab a power filter to run carbon in. Probably today.

as long as u r circulating water, it should clear up any cloudiness within 24-36 hrs. personally, i wouldn’t waste decent carbon on a new system yet. use mechanical filtration, if you gotta do it to clear up the tank.

what salinity is the tank and what is your goal, the sand will cloud it a lot even with proper rinsing i have a filter pump set up you could borrow it’ll have it clear in about an hour

My salinity is right at 1.024 im pretty sure its mostly sediment but the water was a little cloudy when I mixed the salt too

what are you using to test the salinity?

Im using a manual hydrometer I think its a coralife

I would bring ur sg swing arm to someone with a hydrometer and mark it to make sure it’s right

swing arms are very inaccurate, especially if they have been used for a while or have been allowed to dry out and NOT used for a while…

Ok ill try to get a better one. The one I have is brand New just bought it yesterday so the old/dried out isn’t an issue. I think its mostly substrate anyway it is slowly getting better but still very cloudy

U need amicron filter attached to a mag 12 pump. It’ll clean the tank in an hour or less.

[quote=“bsnow, post:14, topic:4488”]
Ok ill try to get a better one. The one I have is brand New just bought it yesterday so the old/dried out isn’t an issue. I think its mostly substrate anyway it is slowly getting better but still very cloudy[/quote]

I would invest in a refractometer, like the one on marinedepot for ~40. I got that when I was setting up my tank and there have been no problems. Mine didn’t need to be calibrated but it can sometimes be a little tricky

Tank was much clearer this morning still a touch cloudy but I could easily see the entire tank… at least until I moved my rock and it got cloudier but not as bad as before. Pics to follow after work

[quote=“snupa, post:16, topic:4488”]
I would invest in a refractometer, like the one on marinedepot for ~40. I got that when I was setting up my tank and there have been no problems. Mine didn’t need to be calibrated but it can sometimes be a little tricky[/quote]

I wouldn’t invest too fast. Rumor has it the club will be raffling one off at September’s meeting.

so here are the pics as promissed

this is this morning after i rearranged the rock

here is this afternoon after everything settled again it is pretty clear now still not perfect but itll be better with a water change and a filter

another pic of the whole tank

although now i need more rock since i have a bigger tank but someone on here already offered me a good deal on some so hopefully ill get it this weekend

next in the plan is upgraded lighting, filter(probably an overflow and sump/refuge setup), and more live rock!!!