New tank setup........... catastrophe ensues

It’s very hard lol. I have some frogspawn and candycane cheap.

 Tank looks real nice. 

          So what is your wish stock list?

[quote=“billrob71, post:42, topic:4488”]
Tank looks real nice.

          So what is your wish stock list?[/quote]

As far as fish
green mandarin dragonette
flame angel
blue tang
some type of clown yet to be determined
Maybe a firefish goby or wrasse

Haven’t really made a wish list of corals yet but I eventually want to do sps maybe los

Nassarius snails
margarita snails
cerith snails
Emerald crab
Purple lobster(still reading alot on this it seems hit or miss whether its reef safe or not)
A couple shrimp
assorted hermits
possibly an anemone

And obviously I wont be adding everything at once it will take me well over a year to have most of this list in my tank but it will be a fun journey. I just cant wait to get the first fish in

A blue hippo right not an Atlantic blue? Personally the wrass or goby first from that list. Mandarin
May not live. It won’t live now. The other fish are sensitive and expensive.

Yeah blue hippo . I also read that the angel should be the last fish I add because it can ne terratorial. Should I add some inverts first before any fish. Don’t have any algae that I can see or detrius since there aren’t any fish so I would have to feed them supplemetary right ?

What would I need to change for the mandarin I know I need to stock copepods for them to eat but other than that do I need to alter any of the water parameters other than salinity

 As long as the pods are they should not need much more. If you let the tank get established the pods usually come and having a sump with a fuge helps even more.  What are you doing for filtration?

No filter yet I am going to custom build a hang on fuge for tank out if acrylic. And I know everyone is gonna tell me an overflow is better but I don’t have room underfor another tank and the design I came up with eliminates any possibility of overflowing the fuge or tank

If you know what you want, and you know it will work, then it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks! lol

IMO, start slow on the cleanup crew. Maybe 2-3 crabs, 2-3 snails at first. if you add too many, they may be fighting for available food.

Be careful on the Anenome, I’ve got one with huge tentacles and can’t put anything near it (also I think it ate my lawnmower blenny). Carpet or Bubble Nems’ are pretty and have a smaller impact to their surrounding tank mates.

If you’re going to be keeping fish and corals, you’re going to need a protien skimmer (probably beating a dead horse by saying this). It’s amazing the ammount of gunk they pull from your water every week. A simple power filter with filter media just won’t suffice, unless you want to be scrubbing/replacing filters every 3 days.

HOB acrylic fuge . . . DIY at that . . . Best of luck, I hope you post pics! I’d love to see them! GolfC

I don’t know what type the mandarin eats but I have had three an I never saw them eat the big bugs. I think they eat a certain type. Mine now will camp a small spot and pick at it, I don’t see any pod where it picks from. But it’s chewing something then spits out particles. So I would wait a while for that one. Tangs have no scales so theyre succeptable to parasites and disease, which can go both ways, add first and you can get them established. Add last and they could be stressed by other fish, but your tank needs to be ready and it should be now or very soon. If you want two tangs or more do them together, depending on type. And the flame angel can be a boss most don’t like them due to picking at clams, snails, and occasional polyps, my angel only harasses snails and it’s like a game to it lol. I would want some cleaner shrimp for the tangs and angel. but a fish would be my next step since ur tanks cycled. I personally would think the goby is the best option, they’re usually peaceful. I also have a fish and invert book that tells the behavior of all of them it is a great book.

Dajohnson : yeah a skimmer is in the plans but since there is nothing to skim yet i have been putting off trying to spread out some costs. And i will definitely post pics of the fuge probably give it a separate thread with lots of detail. It will end up being at least 4 gallons possibly closer to 7

Tim: I might start with the tang or wrasse first then as far as fish but I’ll probably do a mini cud first

Yeah ur good for whatever pack the fuge with algae it’ll be good

Yeah I might build a “shelf” in the fuge too for some mangroves so that I can keep the fuge deep for mote volume

any pics? how did that LR turn out ?

[quote=“snupa, post:54, topic:4488”]
any pics? how did that LR turn out ?[/quote]
LR turned out great pics should be like a page back

so… tank is still stable and… i went a bought a fish and a couple snails. went to fish bowl while i was out running some errands this afternoon bought two large nassarious (shells at least an inch!) and the single nerite they had since it looked so lonely. i also bought a firefish goby they had two and they both looked very healthy they are acclimating right now i will get some pics up later once they are actually “in” the tank.

Awesome life to watch. I can’t keep firefish I love them but so does my carpet lol

oh and fyi they said they were getting ceriths on monday if anyone wanted some they will be fresh

yeah im really excited that ill have my first fish

edit: first sw fish

here are pics he is doing great

first thing he did was find his “bolt hole”

another pic of him swimming around

close-up of him, colors are great

and one of the snails( huge!)