[quote=“houndsbayman, post:12, topic:3307”]
Another great piece of advice is that EVERY new coral,frag,fish and whatever should be placed in QT, no matter how trusted the person or business can be. I realize that many people do not have the means of doing this. That is why it becomes a very important factor to be especially selective from where you get your items. Simply thinking that a frag is cheap, is not a good gauge of it’s quality. Even after paying top dollar for a frag from a well known source of having great quality corals, I will still dip each one and QT. And there still is no guarantee that I will not get any kind of pests or nuisance algae, but at least I have lessened the odds.[/quote]
yeah I want to set up a qt tank, but then i’m worried that because it will be a smaller tank, I’ll have a harder time keeping it’s parameters in check. I’ll be looking more into it though shortly. I already have a small tank I could use for it.
[quote=“kaptken, post:11, topic:3307”]
which zoos did you get from me? or was it from aother ken? was this from the swap? I only had some red zoos, some green and some dark ones. dont think i sold many of those. or was it GSP? let me know. i’ll fix you up with something else at the meeting monday.[/quote]
Yeah ken it was one of your green zoa’s. I don’t expect you to do that especially becuase it clearly had nothing to do with anything on your end.
[quote=“Gordonious, post:10, topic:3307”]
" I read somewhere that the way to tell is by how strongly they smell, but I don’t know what they smelled like in the first place, so I can’t really judge"
Horrible advice, lift many healthy acros out of the water and they reak instantly.
What was Ken’s salinity and what is your salinity? Zoanthids hate sharp changes in salinity.
Purple carpet and green color = Green Star Polyps or GSP? I didn’t think I brought any purple mat GSP, but I could be wrong.
Corals, especially stony corals, are mostly skelton with a very thin fleshy later. There isn’t a lot of bad stuff to dump into your tank nutrient wise. Additionaly many corals can seemingly die 100% and come back from the dead(although very very slowly) If the coral becomes 100% covered in bad algae I would yank it. Otherwise give it a chance and see if it recovers.
What article did you just read?
Shoot for 78-82F, but don’t increase it more then 1-2F per day. May want to bring it up to 78F and leave it there for a while then bring it up to 80F so your middle range and have some wiggle room. [/quote]
I’ve already started bringing the temp up so we’ll see how this goes. It is in fact GSP. I don’t know how I managed to forget such a simple name but I’m pretty notorious for my absentmindedness. As for the sps, I’m glad you told me. I’ll keep it in there and see what happens. Is there a trick to helping it recover, aka, less/more flow or less/more light? It was about halfway up my tank and in a medium flow area so I moved it to the sand bed in a lower flow area. Let me know if I should be doing something differently. As for the water parameters, I need to get a test kit for mg, but I have been supplimenting with essential elements as directed by the bottle, so they should be decent.
The good news…woke up this am to find the gsp had one or two polyps poking their heads out. needless to say I’m quite happy about this. All mushrooms still look great. Duncan, per usual looks phenomenal, so things are at least starting to look a little better.