New Web Site!

Our new site is up and running, check it out and let us know what you think:

We have an expanded livestock selection, it’s easier to navigate, and we have added lots of equipment and dry goods. Plus we have all kinds of neat features such as Reef School, our Reef Brainiac trivia game, and more. Our Better Than Free Shipping offer is automated so that as you shop you see how much free stuff you get!! Also, as you add items to your cart and check out you will see that the photo of the item follows along into the cart and your final order–a cool feature for those that like to have a pic to check out when they get their order. There are lots of other great features too.

Tons of new livestock is posted and as always we will be updating with more virtually every day. For example we have 400 new Maxima clams arriving today and after a rest they will be posted later next week–we have more from our last shipment that will post today, also today we have lots of new hand-picked coral colonies in stock and they will be up soon. We also have posted all kinds of new Pieces Of The Reef and Yellow Jackets and Fruit Loops ultra Zoanthids, some new Rainbow Ricordea rocks will be posted this week, and so much new stuff you’ll just have to look around on the site and keep checking back daily to discover it all for yourself.

So, please take some time to look around our new site–scan down that entire home page and click through to all the pages and look us over, we think you’ll like what you see.