New years reef resolutions?

Anyone have any resolutions for the new year?

This year I will have two display tanks set up and running in my house 75% of the time.

I would like to have my in wall upstairs system setup by the end of the year.

I would like to see some company make a reliable heater!!!

I’m going to test my levels more then once every 6 months

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:4, topic:3667”]
I’m going to test my levels more then once every 6 months[/quote]

I am still surprised you don’t dose anything for Ca or Alkalinity with your bioload. Your corals/coraline looked extremely healthy when I observed them the other week.

I’m going to do a better job of data logging next year…with corals as far as who they are from, names, growth rates, ect…

with my tank parameters…as far as where they are weekly…and get a monthly picture of any changes…

something you’ve (Gordonious) preached upon a lot in the past that I really want to get on.

Go skimmer-less, once again(3 weeks into it now) and stay with it, i hope TFP don’t ran out of salt.

I resolve To continue my tank sandbed cleaning, dosing and keeping phosphates and nitrates “ALARA”. I think these things have produced the turn around i have seen in my corals and frags the past few months.

I’m going to get rid of a lot of tanks and equipment I don’t use!

Ken maybe you could set up outlook on your computer with reminders once a month or however frequently. However with that being said you have tried the deep sand bed thing for many years. And at times you let maintenance go on it for a bit and many of your animals suffered the consciences. Sure you don’t want to try something different? Have you read up on the new bio pellets yet? Just an idea. At least worth looking into.

Rosti what made you decide to go back to skimmerless? I though the tanks nutrient conditions looked best right before you decided to pull the skimmer.

Mike that sounds like a very good one, stick with it and if you can start this week, no need to wait until next. Come up with some kind of format you can use to post your info and start a post giving what you have in the tank at the end of 2010. Excel could work as well if you don’t want to share. Don’t be embarrassed though. I know the levels are off on my tank right now as I am playing around with using some new equipment on my main system and I am still dialing it in.

Craig maybe you can log your results as well or share them. Just to kind of give you a push to do so.

Ian… DETAILS! Start a new thread. Is this a work in progress or still on the drawing board?

thats too much work. i dont have any data spread sheets. but i didnt clean a couple of the sandbeds at all for like 3 years. i can do a little better than that. no sweat. meanwhile, i have gone back to dosing a lot of the stuff i let slide. like strontium, iodine, magnesium, and now potasium and vitamins and trace. put it all together and the corals are reviving nicely. it made much more improvement than lighting.

How are the Xenias and Cespitularia doing since you started dosing Iodine? They use it in their tissues, but crash quickly when you over dose. I’m guessing you don’t have a reliable test kit for Iodine.

I still subscribe to the, “If I can’t test for it I don’t add it.” theory unless I REALLY understand what it is I am dosing, where it is going to, and what an overdose would cause. That vs. a pinch of this and a pinch of that and see how it goes.