I’m curious about what nitrates you have in your systems, and if none… how long have they been at zero, and do you feed light or heavy, in general?
My tank has been up for nearly two years, and has 0 nitrates since the tank was about 4 months old. I’m a light feeder. About 5-6 frozen cubes a week, a chunk of nori weekly, and a pinch or two of pellets on the two days in the week they dont get frozen. I just watch their bellies… dont let em get too thin, or too fat.
In the past i also supplemented live rotifers and phyto, but havent done that in 8 months or so.
Anyway, i remember some corals growing, and coloring better, back when i had trace nitrates… (around 5-10)
and have been wondering if its more beneficial to the whole system to feed it more?
I’ve been maintaining my main params consistently alk from 7-9… mostly 8, calcium around 410-420, Mg always close to 1250, give or take a bit. And some coral, mainly sps, birdsnest, pocci, milli, monti cap… some rtn, stn… some came close to death but have recovered 50% in the last couple weeks. There are also frags of these same corals in the tank that aren’t having any issues at all. Its bizarre, and no pests to be found that could be blamed. Water changes haven’t been done as much as i’d like in the past 6 months… a pitifull few here and there… but always 0 nitrates.
My questions are, am i completely depleting the tank of trace elements?
Are there un -measurable amounts of pollutants that build up that aren’t measurable? smoking, household cleaning products, dog farts etc…?
More flow? but they’ve had roughly the same for a year plus?
Or my favorite theory, chemical warfare of some sort between coral.
This all just sounds like part of the “Coral Game” after being in the club for a couple years, but it drives me crazy when you cant test, or find a definite culprit for this crap.
Same coral, diff spots of the tank, roughly the same light and flow, some fine… some not
Basically, my tanks done better, growth and colorwise in the past, with same parameters.
Don’t get me wrong, the tank is still looking nice, and healthy… just some of these sps are driving me crazy.
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