Greeting Fellow Reefers!
We here at the New Jersey Reefers Club are incredibly excited to invite you all to our 2011 Frag Swap. We are hosting the event at the West Trenton Firehouse in Ewing New Jersey, the same place we did last year. The event is going to take place on November 12th from 9 am to 5 pm. We are excited to bring you three speakers this year, Mark Levenson, Scott Fellman, and Joe Yaiullo. There will of course be incredible raffles that we will be keeping you updated on. We already have several of your favorite vendors signed up for the event. We hope you are going to join us because we are really excited for this years event.
As always we are offering a discounted rate for the early bird shoppers. From now until October 31, tickets will be $15 per person or $20 for a family. After October 31st the prices will go up, so sign up early and save. For an individual registration you can go HERE and for families follow this link HERE.
If you have any questions at all please post in this thread or for immediate assistance contact us at and we can help you.