Thanks to Dr. Mac and Pacific East Aquaculture for the raffle prizes this month :BEER Very nice frags and a Big Ol clam! And his presentation was very interesting and informative as always!
Also a thanks to Bill and Ken for taking care of all the food/ drinks for us all.
Our guest speaker “Dr Mac”
Our fearless leader…
and some winners…
And some non-winners… " I DIDN’T WANT THAT CLAM ANYWAY"
yeah, whatever Paul-nocchio… ::
that nose looks like a marlin’s bill. let’s make it the next meeting’s golden raffle item. how did you manage to make it shorter than it actually is?
good job, mr wheels.
[quote=“moliken, post:4, topic:4748”]
that nose looks like a marlin’s bill. let’s make it the next meeting’s golden raffle item. how did you manage to make it shorter than it actually is?
good job, mr wheels.[/quote]
[quote=“alexzobi, post:6, topic:4748”]
haha great pics. and thanks again for the chaeto! GolfC[/quote]
[quote=“dunk, post:8, topic:4748”]
The funny thing is Paul stared at that clam the whole time I tried talking to him and he kept his gaze on the clam and murmured cllaaammm ::drool::[/quote]
You just gave me an idea! I may have just solved the energy crisis with that “clam glaze”…