I have decided to upgrade my skimmer so I am offering up a great skimmer at a great price. I paid $349 back in November and will let this slightly used (6.5 months) skimmer go for $245. It comes with the pinwheel (what I have been using) and a never used meshmodded wheel. This is a great deal. Here are some pics of this baby in action:
The foot print is 11.5" l X 13.5" w x 22.75" H. For reference it fits nicely in my 20g sump. If you need anymore info just let me know.
[quote=“fishguy9, post:2, topic:1714”]
u always get me a little too late ellen!!!
if i didnt get that turbofloater 1000 a little while ago… >::: :-("[/quote]
Got any nog shots of your skimmer? How do you like the performance of this skimmer? I have never heard of it.
[quote=“IanH, post:4, topic:1714”]
This has to sit in the sump at a certain depth? What is the gallon rating for the skimmer?[/quote]
It works best in 8", but I think it would work fine 1" either way. It is rated for up to 210g with average bioload. I think most skimmers are overated from what I have read. This skimmer has worked fine on my 95g and I think it is well suited up to about 180g, but I would use a larger one on anything over that.
[quote=“DamnPepShrimp, post:5, topic:1714”]
This isn’t the MSX is it? What are you upgrading to? I’d think that would be overkill on your 95g?[/quote]
The MSX and the Octopus extreme are basically the same skimmer marketed under different names. I am sort of an equipment junkie. I like to experiment with new things. I have been wanting to try out a cone skimmer and almost bought the ATB small when I set up this tank, but I heard they were coming out with an econo version so I decided to wait. The econo version of their cone skimmers are getting great reviews so I decided to go ahead and get the ATB 840 cone . It will be oversized for this tank, but I will be able to use it when I upgrade to a larger tank down the road. I want to try and get the best colors I can out of my sps and a low nutrient environment is one of the ways to achieve this. I will let everyone know how the new skimmer performs.
i can say i am pretty satisfied. took a little bit to keep it from skimming too wet… but after i got it set, it seems to skim out a lot of nasties. (the sump was a prototype i made out of 2 27 gal. tubs, then decided i hate it. so pay no mind. got my new one coming in tomorrow!!!)
[quote=“fishguy9, post:8, topic:1714”]
i can say i am pretty satisfied. took a little bit to keep it from skimming too wet… but after i got it set, it seems to skim out a lot of nasties. (the sump was a prototype i made out of 2 27 gal. tubs, then decided i hate it. so pay no mind. got my new one coming in tomorrow!!!)[/quote]
Holy crap! Now that is some nasty nog…LOL… Looks like it is skimming well. How many days worth is that?
uhhhhh… 3. in a 180. have never had nitrates above around 8ppm. with 6 tangs, a good size foxface, some nemos, and a handful of gobies. fed 2x daily on various dry stuff and once a night w. algae sheets or frozen.
[quote=“fishguy9, post:10, topic:1714”]
uhhhhh… 3. in a 180. have never had nitrates above around 8ppm. with 6 tangs, a good size foxface, some nemos, and a handful of gobies. fed 2x daily on various dry stuff and once a night w. algae sheets or frozen.[/quote]
I think you need to add another skimmer to help that pour thing out…LOL…
Uhhh??/ I have never had nitrates above ZERO with a plenum deep sand bed, Seaclone skimmer and lots of fuge. Its all in how you handle nitrate reduction. many roads to the same end point.
[quote=“kaptken, post:12, topic:1714”]
Uhhh??/ I have never had nitrates above ZERO with a plenum deep sand bed, Seaclone skimmer and lots of fuge. Its all in how you handle nitrate reduction. many roads to the same end point.[/quote]
I agree Kapten, many ways to achieve the same end point. I don’t have room for a fuge in my sump or anywhere near this tank so my road to zero nitrates is a large oversized skimmer. ;D
well, i think i will invest in a good nitrate test. kinda tough to tell the color difference from 0 to 5 to 10 ppm on the cheap test. color doesnt really change until 20ppm.
I just pulled this skimmer out of my sump. If I clean it up I am going to put it away and store it in my attic. If you want it I will sell it for $150 you clean it. This is a great deal.
[quote=“IanH, post:17, topic:1714”]
Ellen, I think I might be interested…I wanted to setup a recirc skimmer, but I might just find something as a sump I could throw this in.[/quote]
Okay. Just let me know and I through it in a box for you. A little vinegar and water and she will be as good as new.
This is going into my attic today. It is too big to have laying around the house. If anyone is interested I will still let it go for $150. Mods can you close this thread please.