octopus nw200 vs ASM G3

i want any opinion you have on these skimmers. why u may ask? well i will be getting one of them and wanted to know how you guys fell about them. i know alot of you have asms and really like them. i know ellen had one befor she upgraded and she had a beautiful sps tank.

i have seen both these skimmer used online. theres one i might get for 100 with the gate mod. should i pull the trigger? i saw an ASM G3 w/ gate mod for 150 shipped.

Any input would be great so the next time i see a deal i can jump on it. thanks brett

i think they are pretty similar overall(my first skimmer was ASM G3) but i would probably go for the octo if for no other reason than product support. im not sure whats up officially with ASM, but i know that the third party(i think they were 3rd party) company/site that provided most of the support for ASM skimmers went away quite a while ago so parts and support could be hard to come by. Not to mention that the company(not sure if there is a parent company) has done absolutely nothing since they day i joined this hobby in so far as new products are concerned. granted, its a solid skimmer but the technology has changed SO much over the last 5 years that if it were me i would probably go with the company that seems to be committed to consitently putting out newer and better products.

We use an ASM in the 37g and it works well… Only problem (that we haven’t ran into yet) is the pumps tend to go… which isn’t good when you are talking about skimmers lol. I have heard good things about octo and will most likely go w/ one of then when we get our next skimmer.

anyone else with some input? sounds like the octo may be the way to go.

From what i see on RC more and more people are getting the octo. Me personally am using a coralife superskimmer, lol, and i need to upgrade… but only time knows when i will…

let us know what you get… have you thought about building a build thread for this tank your setting up… ?

I had an asm g1x or 2 something or other and it worked great on a 125 until the pump failed. Instead of replacing it(seemed expensive at the time for just a pump - can’t remember the price)
I went a whole different way with the ev180 I must say I like the ev BUT it is very finnicky. Haven’t researched the octos so I’m no help there but the asm did a great job For me while it lasted.

I would go with the octo. Very well built compared the the ASM. OCTO has thick cell cast acrylic and the ASM is thinner and extruded. the pump on the asm may be better than the octos, but switch to the sicce pump for the octo 200 or go with a Bubble blaster.

an octo xtreme would be the way to go.

It’s been a while since I’ve done any research but if memory serves me the Octo is the ASM. Same design just different materials. In fact I believe the big difference was that the Octos used cheaper acrylic and pump.

I use the ASM G3 on my 75 and couldn’t be happier.

I think Craig is right. I’ve got the octo (from Ellen) and when you get the level correct in the sump, it works beautifully, wish I would have taken a pic of the goop that came out of it the other day.

[quote=“IanH, post:9, topic:2933”]
when you get the level correct in the sump, it works beautifully[/quote]

Stating a issue with the octos? With ASM it doesn’t matter what level the sump is at.

I would imagine it has to do with the pump and that every pump has a ‘sweet spot’ which may be larger or smaller than others. YMMV


lol, even google gives me no help for that one

Internet slang can be very anoying.

What do you mean every pump has a sweet spot?

sweet spot in the sump water height, the higher the height, the less the pump needs to work to push the water/bubbles up the skimmer.