Used Equipment
MAg 7 Pump $30
CAP-2200 pump $20
Stealth Theo 400 Watt Submersible Shatterproof Heater $18
Acura 1000 50 watt heater $5
Ground Probe $8
Boyds Red Slime Remover ChemiClean 2g $5
AquaMend Underwater Epoxy Putty $2
Used Equipment
MAg 7 Pump $30
CAP-2200 pump $20
Stealth Theo 400 Watt Submersible Shatterproof Heater $18
Acura 1000 50 watt heater $5
Ground Probe $8
Boyds Red Slime Remover ChemiClean 2g $5
AquaMend Underwater Epoxy Putty $2
Can I try the mag 7? Want to see if I can mod it to work on my skimmer. If I can get it to work I’ll take it.
i’ll take the epoxy
how’s a ground probe work? and what’s it do?
Craig, No Problem any time you want to stop by
Ground probes are employed in saltwater aquariums to help ground any stray voltage that might be in the tank.
The grounding probe is Ultralife Titanium Grounding Probe. It was a safety measure in case I had stay electricity flowing through the tank. I didn’t want to find out I had a problem when I stuck my hand in the tank
Awe come on everyone likes a little shock every once in a while ::
lol i got she shock now its grounded even with a gfci it’ll get you moliken buy it, even if you don’t get shocked you may have stray voltage hurting your live stuff
the probe’s in the tank with a wire that hooks to a good ground like in an outlet nearby
ground probe and epoxy for me. how do we work the sale?
I got my Sedra working again so I can hold off on the Mag 7 - that’s $30 I can spend on beer instead ::drool::
[quote=“moliken, post:8, topic:4446”]
ground probe and epoxy for me. how do we work the sale?[/quote]
Generally Paul you would give Al money and he would give you the stuff you bought
generally craig, there would be some sorta arranged meeting, when such a transaction could take place, but i’m sure neither of us want to drive a distance for this small deal, wise a$$. so i just don’t know and wanted some clarification, not from the prez, either, wise bstrd.
Please Make sure you only plug the grounding probe into a GFIC outlet
:-)lol :-)lol :-)lol :-)lol :-)lol :-)lol
We can catch up or if someone is heading down shoot me a Pm and they can take it with them.
Used Equipment
Mag 7 Pump $30
CAP-2200 pump $20
Stealth Theo 400 Watt Submersible Shatterproof Heater $18
Acura 1000 50 watt heater $5
Boyds Red Slime Remover ChemiClean 2g $5
These items are from my old 75. Since I do not intend to set up a large tank again these are OBO send me a PM, otherwise they are just taking up space.
where are you located, Al?
Newark about 2 miles from Craig
Price Drop
Used Equipment
Mag 7 Pump $20
CAP-2200 pump $15
Stealth Theo 400 Watt Submersible Shatterproof Heater $10
Acura 1000 50 watt heater $3
Hang on Acrylic acclimating container Approx 7x4x6 $2
(Like the ones the fish stores use)
Boyds Red Slime Remover ChemiClean 2g $2
Non Aquatic
Lynksis Wireless G router - $15
I also have Free stuff
Phosban 150g container with about 30g left
4 - 5 gallon mixes of Get Tanked Salt
Im away till next monday but will take both the Mag 7 and CAP 2200 if you can hold them till then.
No problem