Official Meeting Wrap-Up 1/25/10

We started off the new year with some great new meeting ideas - like bringing dinner in for everyone!!! Instead of having to rush home from work and tossing a hot dog (or soy dog if your Paul) in the microwave and eating it in the car on the way to the meeting (inevitably dripping a glob of ketchup and mustard in your lap providing comic fodder for all) we were treated this month to stuffed shells and meatballs!!! For dessert we were treated to Ellen’s (Ento reefer) chocolaty chocolate chocolate chip cookies - did I mention they were chocolate? I swear - I had 2 and didn’t sleep until 4 the next afternoon!!


We followed up dinner with a new Tank of The Month format - Brett (bz350) gave a captivating presentation on his tank and it’s inhabitants - all were intrigued on his introspective debate on which fish was his favorite.

It really was a great presentation complete with pictures and video of his tank in action.

When Brett was finished Marty (reefzig) explained the new Club Rental Policy and gave a detailed presentation on the new PAR meter the club purchased to kick off our rental program.

(Picture omitted because Marty didn’t shave before the meeting)

The raffle was HUGE this month!!

There were three $25 Gift Certificates courtesy of Premium Aquatics and Vivid Aquariums!

Gordonious won:
10 head Red Acan frag
ORA Joe the Coral

Jhanson won:
3 head Green Duncan frag
$25 Vivid Aquarium Gift Certificate

Billrob won:
$25 Vivid Gift Certificate

ORA Pearlberry

The grand prize was the Golden Ticket Raffle - -

Rich17 walked away with a …(use a TV announcer voice here)…

BRAND NEW 48" T5 RETRO LIGHT KIT courtesy of our newest sponsor REEFGEEK.

We also covered the new club brochure expected to start being left at LFS all over in the very near future & A new web site design currently being created and expected to be rolled out later this year.

The Grand Finale of the evening was the presentation by Barbara Lang (the better looking half of Chris_Barb) on Rotifers - what they are, what they eat, and how to grow your own!!

Barb had everyone’s attention:

Afterall - who doesn’t like video of microscopic organisms on a big screen?

Not only did we learn the anatomy, the reproduction rate, and that males are useless and are only produced when a culture is stressed, we learned how to cultivate our own to use as a food source for baby fish and coral.

A sample was passed around the room for everyone to see just how small the rotifers really are - it was at this point that Kaptken gave up his captain hat for a boyscout bolo by whipping out … a magnifying glass!!!

To top off a great presentation Chris and Barb supplied anyone that wanted one a sample of rotifers to take home to either feed their tank or begin their own culture.

I think everyone was greatly appreciative of the new information and the samples. Thank you very much Barb!!!

All in all a great time was had by everyone. The turn out was probably the largest we’ve ever seen with many new people coming out this month. The food was fantastic, the raffles were phenomenal, the talks were fascinating, and the information complete.

Already looking forward to next month.

Being the rookie here and i was late as well i had a wonderfull time meeting some of the Gang. I walked away with alot more knowledge.Barb did a wonderfull job and chris was very helpfull with question.

Lol john and i had the lucky table with 5 raffles wins. Mine duncan looks awsome and a 25 gift cert was in much need.

looking forward to May frag swap.

Great wrap-up, Craig. It was great to see everyone there. Thank you to the current and former officers for their hard work toward developing the club!

great meeting indeed!! the rotifer presentation by chris and barb was very interesting. cant forget that we had 10 people again put in $20 or more for the raffle not counting the others just may have just bought 1 or 2 tickets. i think raising the raffle ticket prices allowing for better quality frags and prizes was one of the best moves yet. cant wait for next meeting!

This was my first meeting and I am so glad that I decided to attend. Like to say Thanks to Joe for driving up to the meeting place. The presentations had my full attention, very interesting and informative. Great raffle prizes were handed out. Totally looking forward to making as many meetings that I can. Big thanks to the officers of the club, you all did a great job.

we had 10 people again put in $20 or more for the raffle not counting the others just may have just bought 1 or 2 tickets

Thank you for bringing this up. I want to personally thank everyone for participating at such a committed level. I could literally type 10 pages explaining how integral a consistent, profitable raffle is to the success of the club, but don’t worry, I won’t ;D I just hope that we were able to show everyone at the meeting exactly what your hard earned money is going towards. We are already beginning to plan what will likely be our biggest event this year and I hope we can make it something really special! When we have details you guys will be the first to know!

Again, i want to sincerely thank everyone for their participation! If you want to do more, PLEASE let me know! There is literally enough work for a dozen people! You dont even have to volunteer for something specific, just pm or email and let me know that you want to help! Chances are we can find a way for you to be involved doing something your enjoy(or at least something you dont hate) ;D

great meeting, great pix and wrapup. fixed raffle in my opinion, coz i missed out on bill’s prize by 1 number.
i was able to bring home 1 of ellen’s cookies. i mean 2.

Great meeting, loved it.


i won the pearlberry and jon won the joe the coral i believe.

Correction: i won the pearlberry and jon won the joe the coral i believe.

Got it. Thank you. I believe the rest of the raffle results are correct? Does anyone know who won the 3rd gift certificate?

I also want to thank Craig for volunteering to take pictures and for putting this thread together for us! Although it might seem like a small thing to do, these kinds of things add up and really help things run much more smoothly! Again, if you want to volunteer for anything please pm or email me! I’m pretty much going to segue into a nagging plea for help at the end of every single one of my posts moving forward. Its probably less painless to volunteer than it is to listen to me nag! If even half our premium members devoted an hour or two each month to helping out the results would be overwhelming!

This is a cool thread ever! Great meeting, Great pics, and raffles . I had a good time.

Shawn is right. all’s it takes is a bit of volunteering when we think we can add something to the mix and make a difference. Share our knowledge and experiences.

And let the Reef party roll!

Craig, great job on the meeting wrap-up! If I had not attended, I would have been really upset at missing all the action at this meeting.
The meeting was well attended, the presentations were interesting and educational, the refreshments great, and the raffle fantastic.
It is going to be really hard to top the January meeting, but I’m sure it can and will be done. Thanks to all the hard work behind the scenes and looking forward to the future.
Yes, Craig, it is called a “beard” and will not be coming off anytime soon.
Looking forward to February’s meeting.

By the way, the PAR meter has been officially reserved for the weekend.

Is there a sign-up for tank tours?

yes >LOL<

We need to change the Bylaws to say that I win the grand prize every time.


Im going to have Marty do the right now! It will be article III subscetion II. Fortunately, Marty has already started on the changes and has just finished article III subsection I:

All tickets shall be made available for purchase to all members, with one exception, at the price of $5 per ticket or $20 for 5 tickets. The noted exception is member Rich_17 for which tickets shall be made available at $50 per ticket or $200 per 5 tickets.

Lol, thats whatcha get.