[quote=“rbu1, post:29, topic:2941”]
my main tank now has ich. So why bother stressing the fish with a copper treatment in QT[/quote]
This one is easy to answer. First off there are different strains of ich, the fish you have are currently fighting off the ich on their own correct? Fish can develop temporary resistance to a strain of ich. I think it would be fruitful to prevent throwing another strain of ich into your tank. It is also possible, at least one paper out now that supports, that if most if your fish develop a strong resistance to the ich that is in the tank and you keep them healthy and your parameters stable… it is 100% possible that your tank will become completely ich free again in the future without you removing the fish.
You’ve spent a good bit of time reading up on ich, have you ever read or had much experience with flukes? I have seen tanks full of fish lost to flukes in a VERY low nutrient, overly filtered environment. Even if you keep your tank pristine the fish cannot get away from them and you could lose everything. While your tank may have some ich present all is not lost and keeping other parasites and disease out in my opinion would be worth it.
[quote=“rbu1, post:29, topic:2941”]
Leave my little female crosshatch in the 30 gallon QT for at least another month or two[/quote]
If you are going to leave your trigger in QT for 8 weeks why not just go 10 and use your old procedure armed with better testing equipment?
[quote=“rbu1, post:29, topic:2941”]
…I will QT the NY aquatic item for again another couple months or so…[/quote]
Once again if it is already going to be in QT why not take the extra step? As you learned with the eel different fish have different resistance levels to parasites and disease, but most can carry them. Without treatment of any kind… in goes flukes, velvet, new strains of ich?
It is ultimately up to you 100% The above statements are not at all arguments to attempt to upset you or for the sole purpose of arguing with you.
[quote=“rbu1, post:29, topic:2941”]
I plan on leaving the tank alone for a good year before I think of adding another fish just to see how things play out[/quote]
No wait seriously? LOL Your going to be 100% happy with how many fish you have in there? You’re not going to be sitting at the next NJRC frag swap asking Andy if you think a fish will work well with yours biting your nails as other reefers look over a very rare and unique fish you’ve never seen before? Also consider how you would feel if you were attached to all your current fish for another year and added another fish and choose at that point to not treat the fish and introducing something and lost most your fish……
Leaving things as is for a while may very well be a good idea, but at the same time I think you’ve come so far in understanding and preparing yourself for taking care of your fish that it would be a shame to back away from your procedure now.
No problem on the comment and understand I completely mean it. I believed you had very nice tanks before you posted the picture above. I am very jealous. I was very sad to hear you were having trouble over a year ago with your tanks when Andy told me. I am sorry if I was a PITA to get a hold of then and not of much help. At that point I was just starting my new job and I tried to get my new boss to chip in and lend a hand, but well he wouldn’t and now I know that is probably a good thing as it wouldn’t have helped you anyways.(want to say more here, but censoring myself) Regardless I wish I could have helped more back then.
PS. I hope you never sell your tank. I doubt anyone who could afford it would keep it in the condition you do. I personally don’t even feel I could afford to even look at your tank, lol. Ever thought of helping to offset maintenance costs by giving tours? “Kids under 10 get in for $1!”