one last time i ask..

does anybody have a clue what is these corals inflictions? they are growing and reproducing as normal but wont shrink back down to their old selves… if i can’t solve this i am looking to trade them or whatever to someone who thinks they can do better, honestly i just dont know whats going on all water paramaters are perfect.

hammer before/after

frogspawn before/after

someone help figure it out!!!

everything else is fantastic the only thing i can figure is maybe some kind of agression going on>?

I got dibs!!!

Kidding - how close are they to one another?

I want the frog…

And i tried googling for a good 2o min, but i couldnt find anything about too large… maby too little light?

[quote=“Marchingbandjs, post:3, topic:1886”]
I want the frog…

And i tried googling for a good 2o min, but i couldnt find anything about too large… maby too little light?[/quote]
That’s a good guess and would be mine too (not knowing placement and type of lights)
I got a condi anemone from a local reefer that was huge only to put it under MH and it shrank down 1/3

Lol, no offense, but they look pretty funny. I kinda like 'em!

I know you say your parameters are perfect, but that can mean a lot of things, what are they?

I’m actually thinking maybe not enough light as well. There is a huge problem with saying they are growing when… they are little frags. Can you show before and after pictures showing growth?

Lot’s of newbs brag about how tall there zoanthids have grown, or how tall there xenia has grown, when really they are just stretching to absorb more light. What type of lighting do you use again? Can you post a video to show the flow as well?

On what kind of a time line is this happening? Do they swell up and deflate twice in a day or is it like a one month cycle?

Tim and I discussed this a few months ago. It’s been a constant. I don’t remember what type of lighting he’d running but I remember ruling it out when we discussed it. (Nova extreme pro maybe?)

It could be old bulbs though - that part I don’t remember.


both of them used to be under my old 4 bulb 24" nova fixture in my nano tank and were just fine, they are now under a 6 bulb 48" nova extreme pro … they were under the same lights for about 4 months before the puff up and have remained since, i say they are doing fine other than shape because both started as 1 head each and are up to 5 on the hammer and 4 on the frog (i think, they appear to be dividing again right now)

also i did post videos of my tank here for flow

they look like this EVERY day, there is no on or off cycle.

they are also 9 inches apart and as a “canary in a mine” i bought a very small single head hammer frag and it also puffed up since introduction to the tank… i mean i have acro’s that are growing pretty quick and yet…???

paramaters of tank as of now

po4 0
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
ph 8.2
temp 80
calcium 425
alk 8.4
mag 1320
sg 35 ppt/ 1.026

the only reason im so frusterated with them is i wanted the unique shapes, heck the clown doesnt mind as it hosts the frog, but everytime i look at the tank i feel a feeling of failure because of an unidentifiable issue, i kind of want to rid the tank of the euphillyia and might take offers on anyone who feels they can solve this issue, they are in no way dying and look great other than shape loss.

i have had acros that got “bubbles” underneath the flesh of them. it could be somewhat related issue, which i havent figured my problem out. i know ur frustration tho.
the inflation could be due to old bulbs, excess of co2 in the water. if u are running a nova extreme pro with currents bulbs, and there about 4-6 months old, they probbably have lost their “good” life, as currents bulbs are lower grade. try moving them up in the tank.

whats the water param rundown?

btw, i just looked at my dieng frogspawn that i have neglected, which is lying face down in the sand bed, getting a very small ammount of light. it is small, but the polyps are bubbled out like that. it may be light issues…

[quote=“TimH07, post:8, topic:1886”]
… they were under the same lights for about 4 months before the puff up and have remained since[/quote]

You first metioned this in Sept if I remember currectly, so if the bulbs weren’t old then they very well could be now. I have to say it wouldn’t be a bad idea to pull one of them up really high in the tank and see how it does.

As far as the flow goes it is very hard to tell with the video. If you held the camera still for a little bit and perhaps added some food so we could see something floating in the water column then it may be easier to see. I think random flow really benifits LPS like this, but is typically not cheap. If you are into diys projects perhaps you could look into a carlson surge device or something similar. Carefull though as it isn’t difficult to give Euphyllia too much flow.

thats what i was worried about jon, i have a 950 gph return pump (split return nozzles) a korillia 4 and a korillia 1 the flow appears to be fine and other corals dont mind.

shot in the dark here, could salt be an issue?? when i set up my large tank i had bought IO instead of reef crystals, not much of a change but a change none the less.

more info the tank has been up since june 1st, lights are that old, the corals looked like this a month after introduction or so after july 1st ish. the bulbs are new and the frogspawn is half way up the tank the hammer is on the floor… but 6 t5’s with parabolic reflectors… i have acros’ growing lower than the frogspawn…

What did you use to bring the calcium up? How fast did you do it?

I have some acros growing under five T5 bulbs that are probably about 14 months old. Not fast mind you, but they are growing. I wouldn’t use that as a soul indicator of your light status.

Still trying to get an idea of how fast they are swelling up and returning to normal. Are they always blown up now? Do they inflate and deflate once a day?

Could the clown be hosting in all of them? Are you fragging anything in the tank frequently? What addatives do you add and how often? Just trying to cover all the possible basis.

Is the temp 80*F middle of the night and middle of the day? Rock solid all the time?

What is your fish and invert list again?

wow i was right, lol.

The easiest tell and experiment would to put one up really high in the tank. If it deflats to normal, then we have found the issue.

[quote=“Gordonious, post:14, topic:1886”]
What did you use to bring the calcium up? How fast did you do it?

I have some acros growing under five T5 bulbs that are probably about 14 months old. Not fast mind you, but they are growing. I wouldn’t use that as a soul indicator of your light status.

Still trying to get an idea of how fast they are swelling up and returning to normal. Are they always blown up now? Do they inflate and deflate once a day?

Could the clown be hosting in all of them? Are you fragging anything in the tank frequently? What addatives do you add and how often? Just trying to cover all the possible basis. [/quote]

i add 30 ml of B-Ionic 2 part every morning in the sump.

they deflate at night like any normal euphyllia but they always puff up like that during the day

clown only hosts the frogspawn (could this be the problem, could it be emmiting a chemical SOS that the other euphyllia is reacting to? my trumpet coral has not closed completely in the same amount of time, its sweepers are always out)

i really doubt the lighting is the issue, these both were in my old nano with half the light and were happy… i actually wondered if i had too much on them now

anyone can pm me if they want to come over and check out the freak show!! im in pike creek north of newark

Osmosis issue with the LPS? No offense meant here, but do you have a recently calibrated hydrometer? The Calcium, Magnesium, etc. would be off if your specific gravity was incorrect. Just a thought. Auto top-off?

[quote=“Jocephus, post:19, topic:1886”]
Osmosis issue with the LPS? No offense meant here, but do you have a recently calibrated hydrometer? The Calcium, Magnesium, etc. would be off if your specific gravity was incorrect. Just a thought. Auto top-off?[/quote]

i have a refractometer and i have an auto top off system with RO/DI