One of my new Mantis Shrimp.

Snapped some pics this is the easier of the 2 to get pics of. When the peacock gets comfortable with it’s new home should come out little better.

dam cannibal. shrimp eating shrimp. very non-sympathetic.
actually, bill, the color on him is really pretty, lobster-like. good going!


I love that you feed him cooked shrimp - he’s gotta be in heaven!!! “Man this is good!!! -this is NOTHING like I used to get back home”

Nice looking mantis PBJ!

I assume that they each have their own tank, or else you may have… slap-stick

Awesome…lets see some pics of you sticking your finger in there!

Thanks guys

It’s just eating krill right now hoping to get some live feeder shrimp and see what it will do.

I needs to get pics of the peacock mantis that the pretty one with all kinds of color but it’s real shy right now.

Ian if you want to volentere one of your fingers I can do the video shots :stuck_out_tongue:

Cool mantis!! becareful if and when you stick your hand in the tank.

Well my little shrimp had his first crab encounter, kinda lame but little more active then the peacock, he let the crab come in his house watch his favorite cable TV show have pop corn cocktails then leave to the guest room where he is still there tonight after a day so who knows.

Anyway heres a little video of at least the red one having a little boxing match.

Lol awesome, he smacked him good!

that first hit looked like mike tyson at his best

Was pretty cool to watch but was over pretty quick. ::thinking::