ora shipment this tuesday 6/3/08

Black looks pretty good as well.

I meant to say Black OR Blue

[quote=“icy1155, post:5, topic:571”]
Its looking good. A little hair algae, but they all get some at some point and with proper maintnance and feeding it should go away.[/quote]

little hair algae - you could also maybe do some type of Tang (yellow tangs are the most common) - but what ever you like - or maybe some type of Rabbit Fish - just an idea - looks great for 2 months old

not worried a bit about the hair algae. my mexican turbo keeps it controlled. there is so little of it that it doesn’t concern me. i have added a 2-3" ric and a 4" green lobo. both from fishbowl. i like them both a lot

no more until the meeting.

forgot, crazycracker, thanks for the compliment. yours is 8 months old. mine looks like crap compared to yours. it’s just stunning.
can you spare some coralline?

Those are really nice Paul, congrats! With the love you have for these guys, you are on the way to a really nice looking tank in a very near future.

joe, everything i got at last meet looks just perfect, candy canes and small shroom. fed the rbta 2 small pieces of shrimp; it almost devoured my finger. lol.

for background you can also use vinyl like they use on windows or trucks and get it in mirror finish or colors. my next back ground will be mirrored

Or if you only want a temporary backround for now you could do like Greenfishyandham did and tape up a piece of colored cloth across the back. As long as it is tight to the glass you cant tell the difference between it and paint and it isnt permnate.

[quote=“martinfaimly, post:28, topic:571”]
for background you can also use vinyl like they use on windows or trucks and get it in mirror finish or colors. my next back ground will be mirrored[/quote] this is not permanent and can easly be pulled off later. but ya there are many different ways to do it. you could even use cheap contact paper

Or ya could go with a corraline covered backround like I have… because I am to lazy to scrape it.

ya i am running a black coraline covered background as well

[quote=“moliken, post:25, topic:571”]
forgot, crazycracker, thanks for the compliment. yours is 8 months old. mine looks like crap compared to yours. it’s just stunning.
can you spare some coralline?[/quote]

thank you for the comp - but I am itching for a bigger tank but it will have to wait a while - I am laid off & the the part time - isn’t really cover all the bills - plus they just cut the “wifeys” hours down to 25 a week from 40 a week - isn’t life a b#tch sometimes

the black or blue vinyl idea works really well - I helped Andy (4n4sd4) do his 90 gallon & coralline algae will come - I know some of the fish stores sell stuff to help “promote” the growth of coralline algae but I have never tried it but just an idea 4 u

I would still consider a tang or rabbit fish - if they do finish off your algae problem - they will still eat the same stuff your feeding your clowns & some dried up seed weed here & there - all the fish be good to go

You might want to research tangs before you add one. Most people consider a four foot tank the minimum for any species of tang.

[quote=“icy1155, post:34, topic:571”]
You might want to research tangs before you add one. Most people consider a four foot tank the minimum for any species of tang.[/quote]

I second that. I put a small hippo tang in my 39g for just 2 months until my 95 was ready for it, and it added more waste than the tank could really keep up with. I had very little algae until after he was in there for a few weeks. They are eating and pooping machines…LOL…

yeah, always research - see what you like or don’t like - I know people w/ 50 gallons (1 guy w/ even smaller - I think its a 40 or 45 hex tank w/ a yellow tang) & they have no issues - eveybodies different - fish & corals have their own attitude & personality as far as I’m concerned probably as much as people - I was just throwing it out there & I am still learning 2 - but either way the tank looks great

oh - I was dropped a lot as a kid & please don’t mind my spelling, grammer, or any of that stuff - I also really suck @ typing so please don’t hold it against me

only tang i even like is sailfin, but i’m sticking w/no tangs at all.

I love Sailfins but they get pretty big - I also really like Powder Blues.