Orders for the week of 06/10/13

Shipments for the week of 06/10/13 include freshwater fish, saltwater fish, corals, saltwater inverts., and pond fish. A few notable mentions in the freshwater order are the Scarlet Badis Badis, Apistogrammas, nice pool comets, and fantail goldfish. In saltwater we received a great selection of corals including frogspawn, hammers, plates, and Acro. Frags As well as Flame Angels, Tail Ring Tangs, and Blue Eye Anthias. Also, we will be receiving a Sustainable Aquatics order on Thursday which will include Clownfish, corals, and Blue Hippo Tangs. For a complete listing of all the new arrivals please check our website at www.delawarefishstore.com

can you get yellow coris wrasse or malanarus wrasse?

Yellow Coris Wrasses are a regular on the availability lists and we have brought them in many times. I will have to check on the Melanurus Wrasse. That isn’t something I remember seeing but it may be listed as one of its common names. We can do our best on the next order to bring them in.

Ok thanks

How come you guys got rid of all of those tanks?

We reduced the size of our fish room to bring it in line with our needs. Simply put we had more tanks than we needed. We held on to them as long as we could in hopes that our volume would increase, but as the aquatic hobby continues to contract and more consumers shop on line, it became obvious that in order to remain profitable we needed to get smaller. With that being said, we don’t plan on going anywhere any time soon! Despite having a slightly smaller fish room, we will continue to bring in the best possible selection of fish, plants, and corals to our community for as long as there is a demand.