Got a chance to head over to Dr. Macs today and saw evrybody busy unloading and acclimating a whole bunch of new clams that just arrived. This shipment has a huge variety of colors and different sizes. Keep watching Pacific East Aquaculture’s website for the posting of the new beauties. Also, he got in a nice collection of Austrailian acros. Got a frag of a Strawberry shotrcake acro. Really Nice !!!
Lucky you John. It must be nice having the Good Doc for a nearby neighbor. Those Strawberry Shortcakes look nice. That shipment of clams must be why the clam section on their site is temporarily blank right now. They are Making a massive update of pictures of new Clams. The Black and Blue Maxima i bought from him last week is doing fine and looking good.
[quote=“kaptken, post:2, topic:4185”]
Lucky you John. It must be nice having the Good Doc for a nearby neighbor. Those Strawberry Shortcakes look nice. That shipment of clams must be why the clam section on their site is temporarily blank right now. They are Making a massive update of pictures of new Clams. The Black and Blue Maxima i bought from him last week is doing fine and looking good.[/quote]
we neeeedd a picture, ken, not of you, but of the clam!!
He had some that I swear were camo as well!
They are most likely working on posting the pics shortly, I would guess by today or tomorrow. I saw some really different colors and markings on them, it is awesome seeing 500 clams all together.
Anyone know if they are open today?
they usually only close on Sunday and open other days. You can also call them ahead. Their good people.
Thanks. They were not picking up but I got ahold of them. Shopping time!
have fun. Don’t spend too much money!! not easy to do.
take some pictures!
I am about 10 minutes from there now… Will try to get some of the clams
nice clams. as usual!
Picked up some of the red people eaters. Could not make up my mind on anything else.
The clam pic was only about 1/5 of what they have there!
where were those clams located? in the open sunlit area?
man if i lived closer, i’d have to pay rent there.
they said next week for pictures and prices.
Yeah, they pretty much filled the glass room. Very nice selection.
oh, I believe he likes to acclimate them for a week out in the green house. Nice sun light with a little shade cloth to make them feel at home.