Pairing Neon Dottys

ok, so i have a 110 gallon RR tank, with about 175 pounds of rock, a lot of hiding places…my stock list is extremely low…tomato clowns, perculas, midnight blenny, scooter blenny, and 2 neon dottybacks…

the first dottyback i purchased was an ORA on 7/20…then a week later I saw some from a breeder and decided to purchase one that was larger than mine…

before hand, i did some reading and research on pairing them up, so i made a plastic cage i could float in my tank to hold the fish i assumed was the female…

the ‘male’ would bash the cage and really try to get to her, then he stopped one day…so i figured what the heck let me try it, and i let her out…wrong idea, he lipped locked her, and was ready to destroy her or so it seemed! i stripped the tank down, and her…back in the cage you go…i came down one morning and the top of the cage came off…and i thought immediately i just tossed money down the drain, but to my surprise they were hanging together fine…the fish i thought was the male wouldnt bash or bite her often, but just shoo her away when he felt bothered…

my question is when can i assume they are paired? right now i just think they are tolerating each other, but they still spend a lot of time together swimming through the rock work…the people at my LFS said i could get in a lot of trouble adding them to my tank because of them being territorial but ive been fine.

i also plan on getting some dither fish incase these guys want to take some beating out on fish, heard this also could help ease…i have 2 pvc 90s in the bottom, and pvc network hanging in the corners, and a couple small pieces tucked behind the structures for the female to hide in incase the male desides to go ape poo on ‘her’…

also the fish in calling the male, is far darker than the ‘female’…and he is about a 1/2’’ bigger and fatter…they except every food i add accept for the flake i feed every once in a while.

so think they are just tolerating each other because of the size and setup of the tank, or are they actually starting to ‘pair’? at what point do i take them to the altar…

Hope for the best for ya but I’ve never tried to pair them hopefully it’s just that easy for ya.

little update, they are doing fine and im pretty sure they are a ‘pair’ now…previously they spent 50% of the time apart, on separate sides of the tank, and would meet up for a little bit, and sometimes have quarrels…

now they spend about 100% of time together, no more fighting at all…he barely tries to dominate her back into her pvc house like he used to…

they eat like crazy, love the rods food, never touch the flake i feed once or twice a week…i have a couple gobies that i thought they would have territorial problems with, but I havent experienced this yet…

Congrats man sounds positive.

It's neat when they stay together.  I have a yellow watchman and yashia hase  that are living together with 2 red stripped pistol shrimp in the same hole. They started out on opposite sides of the tank.

with a tank your size, is it hard to see them? i want to get a shrimp/goby pair but it would suck if they set up some where i couldnt see them.

do yours have multiple homes through out the tank?