PC Ballast?

Does anyone have a PC ballast that runs 2 x 65 Watt Power Compacts? The one over keleigh’s 15g isnt working for some reason and it needs some light. We are using a 175W mh temporarily but we would like to go back to the PC’s.

Let me know.

Hey Icy!

I always keep a few different sizes of FULHAM electronic ballasts around for quick repairs on my misc. light strips. they cover a lot of applications very well. Many companies use the FULHAM ballast for their PC light strips, like ALLGLASS, CUSTOM SEA LIFE and others. for two 65 PCs i use the FULHAM WORKHORSE 5 or LONGHORSE 5. 128 watts, high output 800ma. perfect. small and light weight. efficient instant start.

I have a new one here as a spare if you want it right away. and just replace it for me. or it sounds like you have time to order one for yourself. click on the FULHAM links for charts and bulb application and more info. easy to replace and wire. I have been using one in a 36 inch home made T5 HO light strip for 4 years now. runs them 3 x 39 watt lamps perfect over my 40 breeder size home made plexi tank. just another app.

Oh, and hey! I still have your Clown Breeding book to return. It has been very helpful. I need to update my clown thread. Here and on REEF AQUARIUM FORUM. I finally got lots of little clown fry recently.

Pretty sure I have some I was considering throwing away. I’ll double check what wattage bulbs work with them and let you know. If you don’t hear back from me tonight give me a call tomorrow.
