went to chicago last week. this store had the best selection of fish i have ever seen. quality was amazing. prices were too high for me tho. the other places were not even worth photographing. ill post some pictures of LA when i get a chance.
went to chicago last week. this store had the best selection of fish i have ever seen. quality was amazing. prices were too high for me tho. the other places were not even worth photographing. ill post some pictures of LA when i get a chance.
Cool. your color balance is pretty good for a dark store like that. Nice pics. I like that nano cube to the side of the softy cube. is that a mangrove growing out of it in the air? I cant tell without my glasses. or is it a fresh water planted cube?
Looks like a really nice store. I love the decor. Something about tiki grass always impresses me. it’s nice to see something other than the plain 2x4 shelves we generally see in stores.
Ken there was a saltwater and a freshwater nano. Lit with a Par 37 (or something like that) led bulb. It was neat looking. They had a small pond with hugh koi. That red carpet anenome (spelling) is in a 40 breeder. That clown is about 5 inches.
WOW! It looks like a nice place. Kind of a dark, cave type motiff. I like that.