Pics of my new 75 gallon


i like, really like all that open space!

Thanks Moliken! I am going to hopefully do some more rock work. The 2 colums on the right are drilled with a 3/4"pvc pipe through them and the one on the left is just piled up. Things keep falling so I am going to bust out the drill again and make a column there and hopefully drill some cool rocks to make some bridges. Still a work in progress. I can’t stress how much fun I have drilling through big rocks while my husband looks at me like he’s scared I went off the deep end!!! HAHAHAHA!! YahoO

Very nice, I like the columns!

That looks awesome!!!

I really do like the amount of room the fish have to swim – and all that wonderful space to mount corals!!!

Very nice :BEER whats on the other side of the wall?

That would be my fish room ;D I designed my basement around our tank when we had it built. It is conviently located under the main stairwell of the house so when we finished our basement we just built the tank into the wall with the fish room behind it. It is closed off and their is another room behind that!!! ;D

Oh and that the party room! The fish like to be part of the festivities that go on down there.BoNg lol
If fish could talk!

That is sweet…I bet the fish room is the first place anybody looks for you when they can’t find you lOl

LoL… partying fish huh? vodka dosing already?

I dose myself with vodka first- “One for me, one for my homies” :BEER

Beautiful, what a nice setup it’s going to be ::thumbsup:: ::thumbsup:: ::thumbsup::

Very nice tank. The aquascaping is natural looking. Are you running a skimmer? And what other equipment do you have incorporated into your setup? Water looks a little cloudy, is that from a recent water change?
Good luck with it.

I just stirred the sand up before this pic was taken. I was looking for a snail…

Any chance we can see some pics of the fish room, and the sump? that stuffs just as good as the DT ::thumbsup::

Nice set up! how long did you say it has been set up?

Here is the back. Its not the best pic but i’ll get some more up.

This particular tank has been established for about a month but I had a 55 gal for about 3 yrs now that we just emptied out into this one.

Nice looking wall tank. So the old 55 became the new sump. It looks like you used the same stand from the 55 to place the 75 on, with the back 4 inches hanging over the stand unsupported. I hope the tank bottom is strong enough to carry the stress. they are normally made to carry the load from the ends alone on a rail. there might be extra stress on the back corners and edge. but seems to be working.

Nice looking wall tank. So the old 55 became the new sump. It looks like you used the same stand from the 55 to place the 75 on, with the back 4 inches hanging over the stand unsupported. I hope the tank bottom is strong enough to carry the stress. they are normally made to carry the load from the ends alone on a rail. there might be extra stress on the back corners and edge. but seems to be working

It should be fine. There is only about 2"hanging over the back but the way the drywall is studded that thing is in there pretty tightly. That tank isn’t going anywhere!

Tank looks nice and especially open.
I am not an engineer and dont know the exact amout of stress and force but that overhang will weaken the back silicone seals. I would worry about that over time. That has to be a lot of stress on the tank (forget the stand)The black rim is where the tank is supported. While the glass has little downward force, the water above is pressing on the bottom pain which is spread around (preferable evenly) the tank edge. Given the flow and motion in our tanks I would not recoment this. It would be better to have the edge supported and have the overflow exit inside the stand.

Added some new rocks to the tank. Still needs some tweeking but its getting there.