pics of my tank

Here are a few pics, please excuse the quality, I really don’t take good pics.

sweet tank. how long has this tank been going? what kinda lighting? have a fuge? what size tank?

Well, we moved down in Sept., but I setup the tank in Oct.2008. It had been running for about 3 yrs prior. The lighting is done by 3-250W M/H and 2-96W attinic pc.It is a 180 gal R/R and the refuge is on the side of the stand,behind the big door. I have the refugium setup high on a shelf so the return back to the main tank is done by gravity.

Very nice. Its going to be an awesome tank once those SPS grow into full size colonies. There are some really nice colors in there… I love the electric green monti cap and the red coral in the 1’st pic in the backround that looks like a Monti digi.

Thanks icy1155.You are correct about the corals in the pics.They were much bigger, but broke apart on the move.this was the second time I had to move the setup.The first time I lost some nice corals that were very big. I did some stupid things on the first move.Now I have alot of new pieces from Pacific East and just waiting for them to grow out.
I saw the pics of your tank in the Tank Tours,it looks great.Very colorful and very mature.I love looking at someone’s tank,and you just know everything about it, is right.

is that the same exact tank thats for sale on craigslist? lol looks like the same picture i was admiring that tank in school today sigh if only i had an unlimited amount of money i would have a 1 story house that was huge with a few big saltwater tanks a nice size tank for amphibians and a few turtle tanks^.^ oh and i cant forget my bearded dragon!

It’s a nice looking tank!

You are doing good!

The livestock travelled well.

Your tank is beautiful. You have a great selection of corals and fish. I love black clowns. I have a pair in my 39g and I could watch them for hours.

We will definitely have to do do some frag swapping in the future.

I love the

please excuse the quality, I really don’t take good pics.
followed by beautiful pictures.

Very nice tank. Beautiful rock and bright colors. Awesome cabinet as well.


Thanks to everyone. I am so glad I found this website. I am always looking at Reef Central, my user name is portjeffski, but it’s great to talk to people who are in the same club. And getting to know my way around the area is a big help also. Looking forward to learning more about this fantastic hobby.