I have more of these then I need right now and plan on replacing some with full controllers. I highly recommend these for any hobbyist keeping corals who has not used a monitor and only used test strips and chemicals. Like I said I have had them and used them for a while just have one more then I need and I need $.
They list for $100-130 with the probe.
A new probe goes for $50.
Asking $15 without a probe.
For an extra $45 ($60 total) I can include a new probe with the meter.

Note, to use this you’ll also need to pick up some calibration fluid(7&10) which you can typically pick up at LFS for a couple of bucks. I believe DPA had some the last time I was in there, but call around to your local stores.
Jon, does it have an old probe with it now that might need cleaning? does a new probe come complete with the housing and the ten foot wire connector?
There are typically only two parts to a pH monitor the probe and the monitor. The cord is connected with the prove, no connections are made underwater everything is sealed.
There is no used probe that comes with it, the old one got dry and was…old, so it was trashed.