I have decided to set my 55 up with African Cichlids. I have had them in the past. But this time I want to make it a planted African Cichlid tank. My question is what substrate is recommended that will hold the ph high and be good for the plants? Any suggestiong would be great. I already have enough crushed coral that I had taken out of the tank when I did have cichlids but not sure this would be good for a planted tank. I am hoping to be able to use it.
This is what I use when I had my lake tanganyika tank. I mix the gravel and the sand to do what is found from that particular lake. If you do just the typical African Cichlids, I would go with just the gravel. What type of plants are you plan on using? hard water plants are very hard to find.
Heads up, many like to uproot or even eat plants. The Tropheus geneus are strictly herbivours in the wild. (duboisi, red/yellow banded moori, polli, brichardi and others) It is really, really hard to keep live plants with African lake cichlids. The chemistry challenging for plants, the fish destroying them. Oh and the plants hate salt.
Yeah I am aware of them moving the substrate and uprooting things. I have had african cichlids in the past. Kept them for a few years. Then had to take the tank down because we were doing some remodeling to the house and it was in the way. Since the remodeling has been done I took that tank and turned it into the salt water tank. Several months ago I upgraded it to the 90 that I now have and wanted to get the cichlids again. To be honest since setting up the saltwater tank the freshwater tanks havent been that appealing to me.
But I am hoping that since I have kept cichlids in that past and know how they are that that will keep me satisfied as far as a freshwater tank goes. As far as salt in with the cichlids, in the several years that I had them I never put any salt in with them.
A I am not sure what kind of plants as of yet. I am still researching them. It will be awhile before I actually do it. I have to get the right equipment for it first.
Don’t get me wrong, it is possible but VERY challenging. The salt is different than what we use in marine tanks. Mostly minerals like magnesium. It makes the water really hard. Good luck with the project. I will keep you in mind when doing some reading and pass along info worth knowing.
Yeah I have been reading up and talking with different people. Thanks. I appreciate it!