Planted Tank

Ok so I have recently started noticing planted tanks more and am considering trying one. Problem is I know nothing about them nor do I know where to begin looking. Thus this post.

What do I need to know - I imagine it is significantly more difficult then just buying some plants and jamming the roots in to the gravel. Special lighting? Substrate? Additives?

Well, daylight strip lights are good. just like coral tanks, the more light, the better they grow. its a lot like doing a refugium for the saltwater tank. there are special mineral laced substrates for planted FW tanks. i guess you can grow them with the substrate over an undergravel filter to make the nitrates. and lots of fish to feed the plants.

info on one of the forums too.

you should drop in on a DSAS meeting next sept. One member usually has lots of nice looking plants for the auction. great variety.