please close all sold!! thnx all

i just need more room. these are all large and not frags. some pix are under actinic morning light and some are full afternoon 6 bulbs
rbta originally bought from adictedtoswf, split and i need to get rid of the one to the rear, $25, it’s closest to the anthelia. you need to be able to safely remove it, as I have no experience in doing this.

the anthelia, bought from DamnPepShrimp about 7 months ago as softball size for $25, IS NOW TRIPLED IN SIZE, ABOUT FOOTBALL SIZED, cost me $25, give me $30 and it’s yours. it’s on a large beautiful rock. it has never shed babies, so it’s not a pest, just too big for my tank. clowns host it. REALLY, it’s MUCH bigger than in the picture

brierium also came from adicted, it’s about baseball size, $7, really pretty, on a large rock also, but i can’t get a focused picture of it.

i will gladly supply bags, but i don’t wanna hold these, as rbta stings my button palys, anthelia shades my maxima, and brierium is just too big.
also have some of icy’s red sea pompom pulsing xenias on my glass that i can easily remove for $2 apiece, they spread like wildfire, about an inch long and fat fat stalks. also want to cut 2 large chunks of adicted’s old leathers/finger corals for $4 apiece that will easily attach and grow

craig gettin the nem and brierium, addicted2reefin wants the leather and a few x.
pleeeez somebody needs the anthelia. it’s not a pest, just the right size for an uncluttered 75 or so. it seriously has not shed one baby. make an offer of 25, what it cost me. i will let it go for that. otherwise, tradin it in.

where you at again? if not to far i’d buy the anthelia and some red pompom

[quote=“ds4x4, post:3, topic:2000”]
where you at again? if not to far i’d buy the anthelia and some red pompom[/quote]
i’m between town o smyrna and dover, one turn off of 13

[quote=“moliken, post:4, topic:2000”]

[quote=“ds4x4, post:3, topic:2000”]
where you at again? if not to far i’d buy the anthelia and some red pompom[/quote]
i’m between town o smyrna and dover, one turn off of 13[/quote]

ok lemme get back to you in a few hours… the filter sock overflowed onto the floor and i must have left the water line cracked on so the tank is 74 degrees and lots of freshwater… lost 75 gallons of water prob…

eeeks sorry. almost had the same situation myself. good luck.