Possible DRC chat room??

no scale in the picture, only scales on fish. :-)lol
the big long thing is 13".

[quote=“moliken, post:21, topic:907”]
the big long thing is 13".[/quote]

Did you REALLY just say that???


it’s 25% larger under water, ya know

no interest? up on ebay tomorrow then in hopes of snagging something.

[quote=“moliken, post:24, topic:907”]
hopes of snagging something.[/quote]

I hope not any uterus! >LOL<


I just threw up a little in my mouth.

swallowing will make it all taste better the third time around

moliken that is a cool app in your sig

WHAT THE HECK!?!?!? Did you guys click on that link? I am begining to have concerns for you Paul. :SURRENDER

there is lots to be concerned about, but not b/c of those instruments and comments.

Hey, nice Avatar lOl

couldn’t have done it without YOU!!! many thanks.