Possible DRC chat room??

its seems like there has been a good accumulation of people on during the later hours…

if there was a simple chat we could quickly swap ideas…???

you’re not the first one to mention that … and it’s something being looked into

Great - now I’ll never sleep.

man we would never sleep then would we… would be a real nice

[quote=“longballz84, post:1, topic:907”]
its seems like there has been a good accumulation of people on during the later hours…

if there was a simple chat we could quickly swap ideas…???[/quote]

Yeah, but then Al would then be even further ahead in posts.

They don’t count towards the post count :frowning:

Looks good here. Simple and works good well.

Edit that always bugs me lOl HJack lOl[/quote]

And the post count continues to grow.

Actually I edited his post so I didn’t get a post count increase HA

Just as a quick note of further clarification to my initial post - there are some fairly significant technical issues surrounding this being a possibility.

So please bear with the the humble site guy that’s looking into this.

That being said, I’ve locked this thread until the humble site guy has some semblance of an update.

any pics?

i can get old picss or i can take new ones and email them not shore how to post on here send me a email address

[quote=“jsodonnelljr, post:11, topic:907”]
… not shore how to post on here send me a email address …[/quote]

When you post, look below the edit box and you’ll see “Additional Options” . Click on that and the area below expands with additional options. One of those is an edit box for attachments.

i would like this. but don’t need the stand… if interested in separating let me know

i am really trying to sell as a whole

brother an ex doctor/reefer. i use the second one in, the longest, about 13 ", but i have 2 of them. my hands are outta water more. all are stainless and extreme high quality. i know something similar to the big one sells for $49.99. will certainly split up. make some sorta offers. i’d rather trade, but will always take cash. don’t know what might be useful or not.
as a queasy aside, the one w/ the screw on the side is actually a uterus expander.

[quote=“moliken, post:15, topic:907”]
as a queasy aside, the one w/ the screw on the side is actually a uterus expander.[/quote]


I did not know coral has uterus until now. WOW, the things you learn in this hobby! GolfC

[quote=“Adictedtoswf, post:17, topic:907”]
I did not know coral has uterus until now. WOW, the things you learn in this hobby! GolfC[/quote]

always willing to share.

[quote=“ronert, post:16, topic:907”]

[quote=“moliken, post:15, topic:907”]
as a queasy aside, the one w/ the screw on the side is actually a uterus expander.[/quote]


Now I am curious as to the scale of the picture.