Possibly looking for a good home for my hippo tang

My blue hippo is growing out of control.She gets to swimming so fast that she has scrapped her eye a couple of times on the rocks and coral. Two weeks ago I thought she was going to be blind in one eye it looked so bad. Well the eye completely healed ( amazing healing abilities when a fish is healthy), but now I am faced with a hard decision. I adore this fish. She is super healthy, thick, and has awesome colors. I think she is about 5-6", but it is hard to measure as she barely sits still. I want what is best for her and I think she needs a 6’-7’ tank to get the swimming room she needs. I will let her go free to a very good home with a tank at least that big. Of course a frag or two would always be welcomed.

I won’t be ready to let her go until the end of this month or first week in June as I am sure I will need to remove most of the rock to catch her. Please PM me if you think you could provide her with a good home.

Even though she is fat and healthy she is a tang after all, and I would qt just to be safe. Hippos are known to get ich when moved to a new tank environment.

Here are a couple of photos of her taken in the last few days.

ellen, it’s hard to believe the eye healed. when i saw it 2 weeks ago, it looked like it was totally gone from its socket. that is the power both of fish and salt water. it’s a shame youi need to e rid of her.best of luck.

[quote=“moliken, post:3, topic:1650”]
ellen, it’s hard to believe the eye healed. when i saw it 2 weeks ago, it looked like it was totally gone from its socket. that is the power both of fish and salt water. it’s a shame youi need to e rid of her.best of luck.[/quote]

I know. I can’t believe it myself. I had actually stopped thinking there was a chance it would heal.
Then the other day I was watching the fish and she swam by, and I said wait a minute her eye looks perfect!

You wouldn’t even know the eye had been injured if you hadn’t seen it. I hate to part with her, but I don’t want this sort of thing to keep happening. It isn’t fair to her. Thanks Paul.

I also had to get rid of my hippo as she got too big and territorial for my small 4’ tank. She was 6-7 inches and beautiful. I feel your pain

Very nice looking fish sorry you gotta let her go. I had one in my tank for about 7 years and got almost 7 inches and it died, probably from age. Hope you find a good home for her. ;D

Thanks everyone. It will be hard to see her go, but I know I have to do it. I am just hoping that the right home will come along. She is a great fish.

verdict_in U KNOW I JUST GOT ONE!!! :-(" >::: now my wife is slap-stick

[quote=“fishguy9, post:8, topic:1650”]
verdict_in U KNOW I JUST GOT ONE!!! :-(" >::: now my wife is slap-stick[/quote]

Damm, that sucks :-(" Your 180 would have been the perfect home. Oh well. If you know someone with a big tank that would take good care of her let me know.

I believe I have the perfect solution for both of us…I have a medium hippo…3" just for a little over 4 weeks now…fully qt’d…
the problem is mine is very shy…slow swimmer…calm,peaceful…I want a more active one like u have-zipping around with my other very active fish…
I have a 125 display tank to put it in…
let me know if a trade works for you…

[quote=“hottuna, post:10, topic:1650”]
I believe I have the perfect solution for both of us…I have a medium hippo…3" just for a little over 4 weeks now…fully qt’d…
the problem is mine is very shy…slow swimmer…calm,peaceful…I want a more active one like u have-zipping around with my other very active fish…
I have a 125 display tank to put it in…
let me know if a trade works for you…[/quote]

I appreciate the offer, but I would just be in the same position I am in now 8 months later when your 3" tang becomes a 5-6" tang. These hippos grow extremely fast when well fed. I would really like to see my tang go into at least a 180g or larger. I do think your hippo will get over its shyness after a while as long as no other fish are harassing it.

Thanks for the offer though.

no problem…maybe i’ll put him up f/s if anyone on here is interested…

[quote=“hottuna, post:12, topic:1650”]
no problem…maybe i’ll put him up f/s if anyone on here is interested…[/quote]

How much were you thinking?

Ellen, pm sent.

cdangelo: its ok- someone local took him the other day…thanks for asking…