Finally! After 20 hours of no power its back on. The tank is just fine as of right now.

I have a battery powered air stone that I split into 2 lines, one on each side of the tank, and put them at the bottom so they helped move what little water they could. this morning after 12 hours (and after I woke up) I did a 20 gallon water change by siphoning out the 20g then agitating the change water by re-pouring it into it self to aerate it. Then I added 1 gallon at a time over a few hours.

Nothing died. :BEER

Excellent! the bubblers really help. you can probably go for several days like that. but will still need some light for photosynthesis if it goes more than two days.

Glad it all worked out for you Tim!

We lost power for at least 8-10 hours and our basement started to get flooded. I’ve been running fans and a dehumidifier for days no and still feel wet carpet in areas.(musky smell to)

Pour a lot of rice down in the affected areas, it absorbs 3x its weight in water and you can vacuum it up later.

Nice idea! I will have to remember that one. It’s more moist then really wet at this point. No puddles or anything. That and I’m sure my cat would eat it and it would blow up in his stomach. He eats paper all the time, so it wouldn’t shock me if he ate rice!

recommend servpro if you had gallons and puddles

Putting a cellphone dropped in water into a bag of rice worked very nicely once and I do it for everything now lol.

I’ve lost three cell phones to salt water. Praying the next time I’m in the market for a cell phone there will be a nice smart phone that is water proof. I know there are some out there, but I’ve been using smart phones for 9 years now and really like to use the good ones as I use it a great deal for business.

My basement does the same wet/ dry vac is the best then run fans