Price and availability on a large clown trigger?

What about taking a long single row of cubes of white egg lighting diffuser? I heard there was a company that sold lens caps that were white for this purpose. I can’t remember if they were for working in a marine environment though.

If you put the lens of the camera on the actual glass then the flash doesn’t reflect in the lens and it holds the camera pretty still. Give it a shot. I borrowed two really nice expensive tripods from my mother and never used them.

Yeah, I know about putting the lens up against the glass… thats the only way I can get decent pics, however I think I could do better with a tripod (20$ from walmart). I am going to try putting the flash on and covering it with a piece of electrical tape to block the light… that may work to reduce the exposure time.

For the white, eggcrate would work, but it is really small for that purpose. What I was thinking is finding a piece of really white plastic and tying it to a small piece of fishing line so that I can lower it down to where it needs to be to set the white balance (figured out how to manually set that earlier today… its amazing what the manual will tell you)

[quote=“icy1155, post:22, topic:873”]
(figured out how to manually set that earlier today… its amazing what the manual will tell you)[/quote]

I never read those things, lol. Suppose I would probably learn a good bit from them, but it’s funnier to play with things with trial and error for a couple of years before figuring out. Small accomplishments like that make me feel intelligent. “Wow I figured out how to change the noises on my phone.”(only took a couple of months)

If we are going to do both of your tanks perhaps we should put Glen in the middle between the two?

Thats what I was thinking too. There is no rush to do both of the tanks, I just wanted to make sure that we had some content for the site. If we want to put in another tank between Glenns and Keleigh’s that is cool too.

Nah I want to see Keleigh’s soon. Perhaps we could do Andy’s frag tank though. Since I was over there till 1am last night helping him with it and drove back in the middle of a blizzard when not a single road was plowed and few other brave souls were out there. I was worried about getting stuck not for my own safety, but for the safety of the frags I was transporting. Almost sent Andy a text telling him of I got in a wreck to make sure my frags make it safely back to a tank.

Hey Icy were you able to get more meat in the responses from Glenn? How about a full tank shot without cyano
I want to get this done soon so it will post on time

Sorry Al, I have been slacking, at least as far as that goes. I will get over to Glenn’s house later this week and I will get you the updated pictures, as well as try to get him to embellish on some of the stuff that he said in the questionaire. Can I get a list of things that you specifically would like good pictures of? I will get some more overall pics as well, but if there are specific ones you want let me know and I’ll do what I can.