Found a used system for sale, below are the specs. I know what I think it is worth but what are your thoughts on value? They are asking 1500
75 gallon Deep blue Aquarium with corner overflow
Black stand with front and side door
Black canopy
ADHI Refugium Sump with light.
Blue Line External return pump, with valves and pipe.
Reef Octopus Skimmer
Media reactor with pump
Acan Lighting Fully programmable LEDs
Two Vortech MP-10 propeller pumps
The question is whats it worth to you? Is it full of water?livestock? How old is it?whats the condition of the tank? Most people ask more then what they think there gonna get. I would shoot him in the knees and go from there.
Dustin, I think that’s a bit pricey, but that’s just me…it all comes down to what BL said above and what it’s worth to you.
If you’re looking for a new system shoot me a PM because I’m on the fence about selling my second 60 cube set-up. It’s a deep blue rimless cube w. corner overflow, deep blue stand, eshopps sump, reef octopus 110 skimmer, reef radiance programable LED fixture, and some other things that don’t immediately jump to mind…I’d let mine go significantly less than 1500 if I decide to sell it. Food for thought, but long story short I wouldn’t pay that much for what they’re offering IMHO
if you’re serious, go and check it out in person. Offer him 1000 and see what he does. My :TWOCENTS