Problem with Torches

So here is my problem my torches polyps are slowly dying off. I can’t figure out why. They receed and receed and then death. I have pictures of one I believe to be in the receding stage. Here’s the dilemma. It is about 8 inches from the surface and the surface is 4 inches below a 6 bulb 54w each t5 fixture with 4 blue, one pink and one all spec 10k, in healthy flow (not direct) but easy flow. As yo can see in the picture the other two polyps are doing fine. Now this picture was taking about 20 minutes after the lights came on. My parameters for the last few weeks are also pictures below. I also have a frogspawn which is doing excellently as well.

Last note, I just did a water change two days ago. which replaced about 15-18% and upped the calc and mag and salinity all of which were and still are a little low. Here are

Here is the picture of the torch.

Here’s the picture of a gold torch that also isn’t doing well

Lastly here are my parameters


Aquarium Moms’s Reef Magnesium, Mg: parameters are:

7/14/14, 3:00 PM - 1,200
7/13/14, 10:05 AM - 1,140
7/3/14, 5:25 PM - 1,160
7/2/14, 6:30 PM - 920
6/22/14, 4:28 PM - 1,100
6/15/14, 11:15 AM - 1,320
6/9/14, 5:30 PM - 1,100


Aquarium Moms’s Reef Alkalinity, KH: parameters are:

7/14/14, 3:00 PM - 9.3
7/13/14, 10:05 AM - 10.9
7/8/14, 11:12 AM - 10.6
7/3/14, 5:25 PM - 6.7
7/2/14, 6:30 PM - 7.2
6/22/14, 4:28 PM - 6.2


Aquarium Moms’s Reef Calcium, Ca: parameters are:

7/14/14, 3:00 PM - 385
7/13/14, 10:05 AM - 390
7/3/14, 5:25 PM - 390
7/2/14, 6:30 PM - 350
6/22/14, 4:28 PM - 365
6/15/14, 11:15 AM - 335
6/9/14, 5:30 PM - 390


Aquarium Moms’s Reef Magnesium, Mg: parameters are:

7/14/14, 3:00 PM - 1,200
7/13/14, 10:05 AM - 1,140
7/3/14, 5:25 PM - 1,160
7/2/14, 6:30 PM - 920
6/22/14, 4:28 PM - 1,100
6/15/14, 11:15 AM - 1,320
6/9/14, 5:30 PM - 1,100

Nitrates have been zero the whole time, all with all other organics and the temp sits at 78.

I have the same problem with torches, I stopped keeping them years ago because I just couldn’t win. Sorry, I’m no help here.

I would ask what your salinity is, but if it was off, your other,corals would be suffering as well.

Well my salinity is consistently low, at 1.024 usually. It’s hard to keep up because of my auto top off. I’d rather it be a little low than really high all the time (problem with evaporation).

You should be fine at 1.024. Are you using a swing arm hydrometer or a refractometer?

I see in the pic that you also have frogspawn in the tank as well. Are they receding as well? I’m assuming that all the others corals are OK? The water parameter are little low, but it shouldn’t kill the torches as it did. How long did you say the tank has been set up?

Torches are the most difficult euphillya IME. Mine did best in low light and low flow. The best it ever did was in the bottom corner of the tank in a dead spot.

Thanks for responses. Despite already having lost two polyps, these tri-polyp as I see it now was just waking up, he looks great now. Still doesn’t explain the loss of the other two. I’m curious as to why that happened. An early statement asked about other euphillyas in my tank. They are doing just fine. The gold wall torch was just waking up as well. At least I believe it is a wall torch. Will post a better picture. I’ve been slowly raising my levels using reef foundations abc+ and it’s been working genuinely well. So in a few more days my calc will be at 465 and mag at 1200 and hopefull KH will stay the same.

Wall type euphyllia are more difficult to care for than the more common branching types from what I understand. I don’t know why, never really looked into it, and I’ve never tried the wall types. I’ve always wanted to but they’re usually way more expensive and not as common.

Glad to hear they’re looking better.

IDK, but I suspect wall types are more prone to infection bc the coral polyps are physically connected so disease can probably spread rapidly.

Do you use carbon? Gfo? What are your phosphates? Is anything else having a problem? Or just these lps?How long have you had these corals? Did you check for pests? Flatworms or anything else like that? Did you try to dip these corals in a coral dip to make sure they were bug free? Just a few other things not already mentioned to check