Rainbow Hornet

Thought I would share a picture of my currently favorite zoa. A rainbow hornet. Saw a single polyp at a frag swap and it spoke to me and I could not resist most I had ever paid for a zoa. Several months later I now have a dozen or more polyps. The picture does not do it justice much better in person.

DSC00407[1] by phubbard26, on Flickr

If you ever decide to frag, Put my name on the List for one :BEER

Looks pretty nice Patrick  ::thumbsup::

I am always fragging. I listed 3 frags of this on fragswapper for the RCS swap on Feb. 7th. Cost is $40 for one polyp much less than what I paid. One frag has already been requested so 2 are left.

[quote=“Gotasplinter, post:2, topic:7791”]
If you ever decide to frag, Put my name on the List for one :BEER[/quote]

pm sent

I’m not going to the swap but put me down for 1 at the next meeting you make it too

Think I will see you when ever the coral farmer drop of/pick up takes place.
If that works.

[quote=“beadlocked450r, post:6, topic:7791”]
I’m not going to the swap but put me down for 1 at the next meeting you make it too[/quote]