rbta fs sold. thnx kyle

plus the rock it’s on 30$. nem is about 6-7inches fully open

the left one in these 2 pics; the mother is on the right.

how big is the rock?

[quote=“Kdino, post:2, topic:3217”]
how big is the rock?[/quote]
probably lg fist size

a bump for the weekdays.i’ll take $25.
this one has already split once in the past year. it’s a steal!

i am not sure this is RBTA (Rose), look like Bulb Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor). May be color off in picture? I would love to have true RBTA, especially at this price. They usually $100+

i gotit from a guy at dafb, adicted to salt water. he called it that. craig diangelo got a baby from me of it. he can probably id it for you better than i can; i’m just repeating what i bought it as. it cost me 50$, as the guy had to ship out.

Thats a GBTA (green) they can have a bit of red to them but are dominated by green.

Rose look much more like Zhenya’s anemone tank from reefland.com

a slight difference. lol
how about best decent offer for the nem and rock.

It is a GBTA. They do have more red in them then most GBTAs but still green. But $25 for the nem and the rock it’s still a freekin steal.

Sorry but I’m full at the moment.

[quote=“Rosti, post:5, topic:3217”]
i am not sure this is RBTA (Rose), look like Bulb Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor). May be color off in picture?[/quote]

Check the scientific names of an
and a GBTA.

One is Entacmaea quadricolor the other is… Entacmaea quadricolor. One is $128 the other is $20.

Think of it like your bred clown fish.
-Ocellaris Clownfish, Tank Bred (Amphiprion ocellaris) $9.99
-Teardrop Ocellaris Clownfish, Tank Bred (Amphiprion ocellaris) $39.99
-Single Picassos Set#5- Grade A(Amphiprion ocellaris) $150.00

Paul’s description is completely correct. This is a Red Bubble Tip Anemone. It has red in it and it is a BTA.

As far as it not looking like what you’ve seen before anemones like corals can take on different growth forms and coloration in every tank. They are notorious for bubbling in one tank and not in another, but it is more than just that. You can see a little variance in the color of my BTA here, but it has looked a lot different than that as well. Odds are what it looks like in Paul’s tank are not what it will look like in your tank. The photograph defiantly has a bit of play into it as the photographs don’t look exactly like what I remember them looking like.
I’m not saying that this will end up looking like the anemones in the pictures you’ve seen. Though you never know. The image Ted posted above is of VERY stretched out anemones. It’s like the opposite growth form. To say they are no way the same because one is short and bubbly and one is stretched out and less bubbles is to say, “I have 0 hands on experience with anemones and am just making a guess here.”

Paul if no one speaks up with some $ soon would you be interested in swapping one of my anemones for one of yours? I could do with some diversity. Won’t be able to trade for a week as I want my tank to stabilize a bit more, but the anemones seemed to have been unaffected by everything that went on a week ago.

Another good analogy is in buying green monti caps and red monti caps. Both Montipora capricornis.

Ever purchased a “digi”? These are actually Montipora digita. MANY different colors. It isn’t incorrect to call a “rainbow monti” a “blue and red digi”. Under certain conditions it will be red and blue and under certain light it will be red, green, and blue.

Not scolding anyone, just clearing things up as there seemed to be misunderstanding.

ok ive thought about it enough…ill take it for $25! hopefully my clowns will dive right in

[quote=“Gordonious, post:10, topic:3217”]
Paul’s description is completely correct. This is a Red Bubble Tip Anemone. It has red in it and it is a BTA. [/quote]

Yes Paul’s description would have been correct had he said “Red Bubble Tip Anemone” and not used the hobby standard RBTA which would mean ROSE Bubble Tip Anemone. A ROSE BTA is an extremely vibrant red/pink and there really is no debating what color it is. A Green BTA does contain a red base but is predominantly darker throughout.

No one could ever put a true Rose BTA next to a Green BTA or a Red BTA and say “Yup that’s the same”. Fortunately Paul was considerate and wise enough to include pictures of his specimen so that there would be no confusion as to the over-all coloration of the animal in questioin.

[quote=“Kdino, post:12, topic:3217”]
ok ive thought about it enough…ill take it for $25! hopefully my clowns will dive right in[/quote]

Glad it’s going to a good home.

I really don’t know that there is a such thing as a “True” RBTA. Which of the two below is a true? If you hold them up to each other would you say, “Yup that’s the same” with confidence? Hum…?

There is a such thing as a True Nuclear green Protopalythoa and look alikes people find from the wild they try to pass over, but the difference if one is examining a single polyp can be seen.

If you believe there is a such thing as a true RBTA, what about GBTA?

If image doesn’t show check out this link. Rose Bubble Tip Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor) | Marine Aquarium Invertebrates

[quote=“TimH07, post:7, topic:3217”]

[quote=“Kdino, post:12, topic:3217”]
ok ive thought about it enough…ill take it for $25! hopefully my clowns will dive right in[/quote]
ooops. too lazy to retype. i’m just s of the town of smyrna. work till about 4:15, but can easily take off an hour.