recommended lighting

i am upgrading to a 150 gallon tank with hood, i want to transfer my 36" 250watt MH / 156 watts 4 bulb acitinic fixture, i need recommendations on what i can add that wont break the bank, can i put this fixture on one side and use t 5s or compacts on other side?, i need suggestions on how to layout canopy…incorporating current lights

you got picture of belly of light?

sounds like retro time to me…
peersonally, i would want the halide in the middle. most 6’ lights have 3 halides, so maybe add a pendant, or clip on… gonna be tricky either way imo, to make the end product look uniform. maybe try and sell your fixture and get a 6’ t-5 ho fixture. not EXTREMELY expensive.

What are dimensions of the tank?

tank is 6 foot long 18 in wide and 28 in tall… if i get t5 HO how many watts do i need in order for my corals to thrive? should i just buy another 36 fixture like the one i got?

make your own fixture. i can get ballast boxes made for like 30 bucks then just buy end caps bulbs reflectors and ballast. here are pics of one i helped build.


